View Full Version : Girl Problems (LADIES ONLY)

20-08-07, 16:50
Hello all

I feel that here i won't get laughed at for my very weird health anxieties lol

For the last 3 days or so i've had an aching feeling on my pubic bone and small pains around.

i've had this pain before but has always gone away after a relaxing sleep but this time its continuouse so now i'm worried that i've got cancer or something

just wanted to see if anyone else had these symptoms as it could be anxiety

i'm going to the docs tomorrow so i'm sure i'll be fine but i just wanted to go in there with a little less worry lol

thanks for reading girlies


20-08-07, 16:59
Hi Sammi,could be a numbers of things,wee infection,constipation,ovulation.Im sure its not cancer.I usually get a pain in my right tummy area and its usually when Iv eaten something I shouldnt have or constipation.I some times just get it when Im anxious.
Im sure all is well and the doctor will put your mind at ease.:hugs: :hugs:

20-08-07, 18:40
hi sammy

your doing the right thing telling your doc but i think us who have panic worry more about things it might be and normaly it is nothing to stress over i have had pain in my lower tummy for weeks now and know how you feel hun you go talk to your doc and i am sre you will be ok

jo x

26-08-07, 22:20
i have had the kind of pain your describing for around a year now.#its like a pressure on my pubic bone like all around the area of your pubic hair and like a dull ache.it also goes on both sides of bikini line sometimes and all around pelvis area and sometimes my lower back.
ive had loads of scans and internals and even a laporoscopy but no reason found except that i have pcos but that shouldnt be causing this type of pain.i had a baby last august and it was after that that this all started.
im so so so fed up of it and feel i cant enjoy my baby properly because of it,i just wish they could give me an answer as to why i get it.
people dont understand how down it makes me feel.

hope you get more of an answer than i have,


28-08-07, 13:33
:) Hi SammiB :)

I haven't ever felt the pains you speak of but I have definitely felt the same anxious preoccupation with various other niggly pains I've had & it can escalate to an obsession if I'm not careful! Getting to the docs is the best plan, even if they can't give you a definite answer straight away, you know you are doing something about it & on track for getting it sorted.
Hope all is ok, take care, CarpeDiem

28-08-07, 13:36
Thanks everybody for your advice, and support

i went to the docs and had a test all came back normal apperently i just have tender bones and shouldn't worry

thanks again