View Full Version : Am I slipping back

20-08-07, 16:54
Hi,I feeling really low at present.Im not sure if Im becoming depressed or just going through a low patch.Im currently on 20 mg of citalopram and have been for the last year.I think maybe my dose needs to be put up.
Today I just feel like crying,I feel angry,very tired,moody ect.And have been like this the last month or so.
My weekend away was ok but not relaxing,rather stressful actually.My partner is very over weight,and friday night he was trying to sleep and he was weezing very badly,he was struggling to breath.It was that bad it even worried him.The chemist said he had a chest infection.He is really worrying me,he is my rock.Am I being selfish,I cant seem to cope when he is poorly I worry myself silly,yet he is always there for me.
I have other issues at home,which I have managed to cope with but all of a sudden Its all getting on top of me.
Im supposed to be going away for a week in september and if I cant sleep because of my partner I will be even worse.I get anxious already when Im away from my safety zone.
I want him to see a dr about his weight,but he said he doesnt have time,he can be quite stubborn.He has cut down on alot of bad foods but he isnt losing any weight and this makes him down.Im scared of losing him,of him having a heart attack or something.
I think I am slipping back and it scares me.I dont want to get up in the mornings,dont want to do anything during the day.I worry constantly about everything.
I have the dentist on thursday,Iv had a letter to go for a smear which scares me to death,cos of having a panic attack.
Sorry for going on,just feel so low today and need to get it of my chest.
My life is poo at the moment.40 years old living at home,no life, no kids,biological clock ticking away,hormone flippin problems,weight is creeping up again.Weather is poo:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

20-08-07, 17:23
Awwwww Ellen:hugs:

Well done for going away for the weekend:yesyes:

I think we all get days where life seems like a pile of poo-you are not alone in that:flowers:

Im sure your partner will be fine, however if you are really worried could you not persuade him to visit docs for a check up, blood pressure etc using the tack that it will put your mind at rest and make you less anxious???

Hope things improve as the week goes on:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:flowers:

20-08-07, 18:04
Get it off your chest :) my life isn't exactly great, no job (on sick), living with family (ocd issues) etc that's not an easy thing to say even on the internet but oh well! :blush:

I don't know how to get a bloke to the doctors though getting myself to go is hard enough. I think you should make him go though. How I don't know!

22-08-07, 12:58
My partner went to the doctors,the weezing he said was down to him giving up smoking,and his weight isnt hepling.He has given him an inhaler to take when needed.He needs to diet,its no good just cutting certain foods out.He didnt offer him help with that.
I have spoken to my gp and she has put my citalopram up to 40mg,got to see her in two weeks time.

22-08-07, 13:10
Good that he's gone and that he's given up smoking. :)

22-08-07, 14:17
This may sound extreme, and not very tasty to the average person, but get him on a low-carb diet. I put on weight when I first moved out on my own and within in 2 months of stayong off bread, pasta, potato, rice etc (all the things I love!!) I had shaved 2 stone. It's not easy, and if he does start eating carbs straight away the fat will pile back on.

It's not a long term thing as it can reduce energy levels, but for a big guy carrying a big weight, it could be the short-term kick to get him into fighting fit mode!!!

And stay off the meds, kidda, train your mind to not need them. The more you rely on substances to make you feel better, the more you feel you need them to survive and like any drug addict, you always end up increasing your dose!