View Full Version : Paranoia, Blood Pressure and Anxiety

20-08-07, 19:00
I am having a few work problems (nothing new). But I got myself ultra stressed to do with a situation that would have a direct affect on my livelyhood.

To cut a long story short, I mis-read a telephone converstation and my mind wen't into overdrive, playing scenario's in my head, working myself into an anxiety frenzy.

I have subsequently found out that I was miles off, and the comments were not what I thought, but I am that stressed my BP is knocking 168/102 and I even took a betablocker (unlike me to take meds) as I struggle to calm down afterwards.

My question is though, does anyone else get this Paranoia, getting worked up with no real evidence?

Better still, does anyone know how to control it? lol

I do not spend my life thinking the world is talking about me, but I do get these bouts (mainly in a work/professional capacity) that people are plotting against me, and most of the time I am way off the mark. Luckily, I never act on it, I just get anxiety attacks (not panic attacks).

I need a chill pill ;)


20-08-07, 19:06
I knew you had written this post just by the title Jaco :winks:

I play out scary scenarios in my head a lot of the time. I often have a conversation with someone and suddenly my imagination runs away with me and I blow the whole thing out of proportion, get myself really stressed and upset, and usually all for nothing.

The problem with a lot of anxiety sufferers is that we do have extremely overactive imaginations and for some reason our thoughts seem to dwell more on the negative stuff rather than the positive.

I wish I could come up with a simple answer, all I can say is that you aren't alone with how you feel and I'm sure your BP is fine :hugs:

21-08-07, 15:12
Hi Jaco,

I do this too. I hear a comment or have a thought, start to dwell on it, get into the 'what ifs' and then convince myself the worst is about to happen. I go over and over it in my head until Im in a real mess.

Recently ive been convinced my house is falling down, then that my hubby had throat cancer and more recently that my boss thinks Im rubbish and its only a matter of time before I'm sacked (of course in my head my colleagues think I'm weird anyway....actually I really think they do lol!)

Seriously....I have really struggled with this....and the only thing Ive found helpful is to try and stop my thoughts before I find myself on the slippery slope to panic.

I try to look logically at the situation and the real evidence...not just the evidence Ive conjured up in my head....tell myself that my thoughts are just that, thoughts and feelings and not necessarily real....and Ive found that distracting myself (not always easy when in full blown anxiety) and keeping busy are sometimes the only things I can do.

And as for your BP, many people have a rise in their BP when stressed, and then it settles again, so try not to dwell too much on that.

Hope you feel better soon.

Coni XX

21-08-07, 16:12
Hi Jaco

I do this all the time. I'm always reading too much into everything anyone says including my husband and it drives him mad!!!
I play situations in my head, think of all the negative permutations of every situation and manage to get myself into complete meldown. I'm starting to realise that this is "normal" for anxiety sufferers but the hardest thing is to stop thinking until the panic stops to then look at things logically. I read somewhere to focus your mind on a sound or noise and concentrate on that and it stops you thinking. It works sometimes enought o make me keep trying it. I must look like a complete nutcase when I log out in the school playground and not see my kids!!!


21-08-07, 17:53
Funny you should start this thread today as i feel like that right now!
I do this all the time and then feel sorry for myself too. Perhaps this will get easier as we get better. As for the bp thing, once you have calmed down and sat, nice and calm for 15 minutes you will find that your bp will have returned to normal. And just another tip that i have learned, DO NOT ever do your bp when you are stressed, upset, angry, in a panic or anxiety attack, after exercise, etc, etc, because you KNOW that it will be up and then you will get more anxious! I am learning this the VERY hard way, believe me, lol.xx

21-08-07, 20:08
You lot are paranoid, snap out of it ;)

Lyn, you know me too well lol.

Ty for the replies all of you. We are seem to share this feeling incommon. I actually only get it with work situations, I know my neighbour dislikes me, I have even heard him talk about me but that makes me laugh (and he is just a wee guy ;))

When it comes to a professional capacity, I suffer from this paranoid feeling so much it actually seems to affect my health (anger, chest pains, light head) in much the same way as you felt Angiebaby.

As for taking my BP alot? that's my other condition I have that I forgot to mention, I am stupid.

I am seriously considering some sort of therapy to tackle these feelings, as I am pretty sure I am reading stuff wrong, but just can't seem to relax and accept it at the moment.

In a 100 years, no one will care.



21-08-07, 20:16
Hi mate,

Have you tried jotting your thoughts down when you feel the paranoia spiralling out of control? Maybe seeing your thoughts in black and white would help you rationalise things? If you wrote the outcome afterwards it might also be a good reference for any future incidents that are similar. Just a thought.

Take care,


21-08-07, 23:16
Jaco, you don't monopolize stupid, I DO!! My counsellor is trying to desensitize me from checking my pulse and checking my bp. I am not allowed to check my pulse and i can only check my bp once a day, at night before bed. How hard is this? Tell me about it, lol. So don't talk to me about stupidity as you are looking at the original fool.xx

21-08-07, 23:37
Well I'm just going to shock you and give you a big massive hug :hugs: no jibes, no cheek and no dopiness :yesyes: and I just know this wee blip will pass for you mucks so there. xxxxx

22-08-07, 01:00
Hey Jaco Hun I Get So Much Going On At One Time I Forget What Was Said When I Said It It Scares Yaat Times It Happened To Me Saturday Of Course My Friends Thot I Was Out To Lunch Or Something Lol......mind Just Races When I Have So Much Going On At Work And At Home I Get Myself In A Flipping Frenzy .....take A Chill Pill Things Will Be Ok........right Tell Me That Also..no They Will Been Thru It Several Times......whats My Name......lol Im Serious More Or Less On Those Lines Best To Ya Hun.....wish You Well....linda Xxxx

22-08-07, 12:33
Well I used to do that a fair bit but in the last few years I have been very very firm with myself and I do the old trick Pips told me about - as soon as I recognize I am going off down a negative path of letting my imagination run away with me I say STOP and imagine a big lollipop ladies stop sign in my head.

I know that sounds a trifle simplistic and maybe even abit naff but the more I've done it the easier its become. I know damn well if I allow myself the luxury of going off on one that I will pay the price with physical symtoms so I try real hard these days not to do it!!

Love Piglet :flowers: