View Full Version : Sweating during the day

22-09-18, 16:56
I sweat tremendously around my hairline doing things like grocery shopping or house cleaning. I’m scared it’s diabetes or something worse! My hair is drenched right now from shopping the last hour! Is this a postpartum thing? My body doesn’t sweat that much when it happens. I also sweat under my neck at night—but no where else. Help!

22-09-18, 17:02
Some people just sweat more than others. My dad for example just has to do some light work and he starts to pour with sweat - and he's a normal weight, healthy and active guy. No diabetes. I often sweat on my back in my sleep, especially if I've been particularly active in my sleep. You're not describing anything abnormal.

22-09-18, 17:07
Almost definitely a postpartum issue. When did you have your baby? Your hormones will be out of whack for a while, and sweating is a huge hormonal thing. I got HORRIBLE night sweats for months after giving birth.. like soaked through the sheets. One of the many joys of the miracle of birth.

22-09-18, 17:15
I had my baby six months ago, is that even postpartum? I don’t remember it being this bad with my first child....I am a sweatier person and am also overweight, but if I do anything like a heavy house cleaning or a long grocery shop my hair looks like I just got out of the shower.

22-09-18, 17:16
99% chance there is nothing sinister causing it. Excessive sweating can be easily managed by injections of botulinum toxin (brand Botox). This is generally covered by the NHS if there is a medical need for it.

If you have any wrinkles, it will have the nice side effect of getting rid of these too :D

Good luck

22-09-18, 17:25
It could be stress, or minor (non-concerning) changes in your body or environment. Sometimes I wonder why I'm sweating in moderate temperatures before realizing the humidity is off the charts. I wouldn't do anything besides wait it out and try to keep cool and dry unless it became severely uncomfortable, and even at that point addressing it would be just about comfort rather than any lurking diseases.

22-09-18, 17:36
I guess I should mention that I live in Florida, but it doesn’t feel like Florida in Target....

22-09-18, 17:38
Six months is definitely still considered postpartum, and a big hormonal change time. That's when all my hair started falling out after my daughter was born...

22-09-18, 17:44
I’m still breastfeeding too. I can’t wait to stop, I’m in the minority of people who gain weight while breastfeeding! My hair fell out a month ago, I expected it because it happened with the first, but jeez I hate feeling this fat and ugly! Adding. My health anxiety to the mix, I am one hot mess!

22-09-18, 17:57
Babies are so cute, but literally everything else about giving birth is the WORST. Hang in there! I remember reading something about hormones changing around 6 months. I had lost a ton of weight until that point and then right after the 6 month mark my hair fell out and I started gaining it all back even though I was still breast feeding. Also, birth is what triggered my anxiety, so no doubt your hormones are making that worse too!

22-09-18, 18:35
100 percent birth makes anxiety worse. With my first, my mom and husband were ready to commit me, lol.