View Full Version : Best dosage for anxiety

22-09-18, 20:05

I've recently started combining Mirtazipine with Venlafaxine. I need Mirtazipine for insomnia and a Psychiatrist recommended combining with Venlafaxine for helping with GAD and clinical depression.

I've used Propranolol extensively over the years to help with anxiety but am becoming intolerant due to increased asthma. I want to be off them entirely.

My major issue, and one which feeds the depression, is chronic anxiety and in recent years, social anxiety.

I'm currently on low doses of each drug - 15mg Mirt and 75mg Ven

I'm interested in increasing Venlafaxine slightly - it definitely helps because on Mirt and Propranolol I was just so drained of energy I was a zombie. Venlafaxine definitely counters the low energy and I feel more alert. But, I don't want to increase the Ven only to find myself with increased jitters and hyperactivity when I want to feel / appear calm.

I will of course talk to my doctor and am also starting CAT therapy soon too, so just really interested in people's experiences with how different doses of Venlafaxine(Effexor) affect their anxiety - particularly when combined with Mirtazipine.
