View Full Version : night time anxiety

22-09-18, 20:29
does anybody else have night time anxiety? You lay down feel like you can't breathe because the muscles are so tight? I'm stuck in the manual breath at night and that makes it feel very hard to breathe. I've been checked twice and lungs and stuff are ok. I guess I go to bed expecting that to happen. I should note i have severe anxiety and stress that has gone on for many years. Thank you for any answers and support.

23-09-18, 15:05
Hello, I can relate to this. I often feel anxious at night time and my back/chest muscles get tense and I feel my breathing is funny. Normally at night everything from the day starts playing on your mind, well it does for me anyway, and your anxiety can get a bit out of control. It is just anxiety though, just got to keep telling yourself nothing is wrong and it will always pass :)

24-09-18, 20:29
For me I wake up being stressed and anxious which makes it hard to get up but at the same time when I get going usually feel better. If I'm awake at 4am the stresses and anxiety build up and I drft to sleep for it all to start again. Wake to stress, sleep then stress and so on. Through the day it pops up now and then as well.

24-09-18, 21:45
I used to get it at night and I guess it depends on the situation, like if I'm on my own in the house. I used to wake up in the night with panic attacks but that doesn't happen often. In the morning my anxiety can be bad and it's a struggle to get going like Kestral said. Once I do get going I'm fine. It takes a lot of brain training to get your head to switch off from the negative thoughts and A. Sleep at night B. Get motivated in the morning. Took me 2/3 hours to get my head out of my arse once I got to work today. I wanted to go home so much but I'm glad I stuck it out. I felt better for it. I wind down at night, play some games, watch some tv, read. Just get my head focused on something other than anxiety.

29-09-18, 00:35
Thanks for the responses. One thing you can try that I have had success with on occasion- picture yourself doing something in your mind, make it as real as possible. For example I climbed MT Everest I built a boat to sail across the Atlantic. I labored over every single detail making it as real as I could. I sailed it in my mind and it was so real I could almost smell the sea air. Just design something in your head or something you have always wanted to do, concentrate and focus...hope it might help somebody.