View Full Version : Asbestos worry ruining my life.

22-09-18, 21:28
Hi there I feel embarrassed to be posting because I dont want to waste anyone's time but i am still just so worried. *I do suffer from anxiety and OCD and i am receiving some therapy but i thought I would also ask you guys. If we're at risk...

A year ago we were living with parents and i overheard a conversation about how they couldn't have a smart meter fitted because they thought the back board may contain asbestos. This was all sealed and behind a box etc and they decided not to get it done any way. But i looked up about asbestos and how dangerous it is and how it's in so much stuff.*

Not long after my brother in law who lives in a house built in 1987 decided to rip down his artex ceiling himself to do some lights. He was also doing other work at the time outside building like an out building and my father in law would help him with the out building. I am worried because there would be times when my brother in law would come round looking really dirty like he'd been working on his house and he'd walk right near us all and some of our stuff including my little daughter who was only 1 and a half. My father in law would also come in looking like he'd been working and he would generally change his trousers. Since then we have moved in to a house built in 2016 so I know ok 're asbestos but i have made my life a misery. Effectively I am frightened to touch anything in case anything got fibres on it from their clothes. I wiped most things down after the move but im worried there is something I may have missed or if I might have forgotten to wash an item of clothing or something. I feel so bad for my little girl in case because we had to live there she may develop something. I am afraid every time my daughter and husband visit his mum and dad and i won't let them go to the brother in laws.*

I am driving my self nuts and on forums it just says about the people doing the work should wear a mask etc nothing about other people and if they go in to other properties. But then I see sometimes about people's clothing. I also worry because my father in law helped decorate the house I am in now and wouldve used some of his tools. They might be contaminated. *Please help.

22-09-18, 21:38
Hiya Worried79 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

22-09-18, 23:10
I'm so sorry you're going through this. It sound like your OCD talking! At least in the US, I'm pretty sure they stopped using asbestos in building materials in the 1970s. I would imagine a house built in 1987 would be fine!

23-09-18, 22:18
Have a read of this.
