View Full Version : Found a tick on me, terrified of Lyme :(

Appa Yip Yip
23-09-18, 01:12
I found a tick on me last night. No idea how long it had been there but it wasn't too attached and it basically came off with my fingernail, though there was a drop of blood where it had been. The tick was pretty small so it was hard to tell if it came off easily because it was engorged and letting go or had just gotten there, but I'm freaked out. I live in an area of the U.S. where there are high rates of Lyme. I didn't sleep well last night because I'm so scared of getting it. I already have several legitimate health problems and afraid this could do me in. Help 😢

23-09-18, 01:56
I think you can usually tell if it's engorged - they get pretty fat. My daughter had a tick on her earlier this summer. We live in Maryland, so definitely a high Lymes place. It was *tiny* - I had no idea how small they could actually be! Thankfully, based on pictures I'd taken that day of her last day of school I could tell it had only been on a few hours. I texted the pediatrician and she said to just wash the area with soap and water and keep an eye for the rash. She said it really needs to be on for like 48-72 hours to transmit. If you were able to get it off quickly and didn't immediately notice it being engorged you're probably fine. And, the worst case scenario is that you get the rash and immediately start antibiotics to treat it. Finding it now is much better than not seeing it, because now you know to keep an eye out so you can nip it in the bud.

---------- Post added at 22:56 ---------- Previous post was at 22:52 ----------

I know Google is frowned upon here, but if you look at pictures of engorged vs. unengorged ticks you'll see that you'd definitely know if it was engorged. They like quadruple in size and look heinous. If it just looked like a tiny bug crawling around it was definitely not engorged.

Appa Yip Yip
23-09-18, 01:57
Thank you! I think it was a little engorged because it was not smooth but a little more round and sort of raisin-like, if you like up pictures of partially engorged ticks, it looked very similar.

And it was definitely on me, there was a spot of blood where I took it off, it wasn't crawling around.

23-09-18, 02:01
Ticks are such a bitch. Seriously, for health anxiety suffers it's like flu season-tick season-flu season. We never get a break! You're right, it looks partially engorged. I think the chance of Lyme is still low if it hasn't completely finished eating. I'd give your doctor a call tomorrow and see if they'd want to do prophylactic antibiotics, but I think most of the time it's just watch and wait. Sorry you have to worry about this!

Appa Yip Yip
23-09-18, 02:04
I know! I've been dreading this, knowing someday it would happen. I live in northern VA where Lyme is prevalent, and I hear about it all the time. It's like a nightmare now coming true. �� I can't afford to contract Lyme, I have two young children to care for.

23-09-18, 02:11
I'd definitely call your doctor in the morning and see what they think. But, again, it's good your found it because you can treat it before it gets bad in the event that it did transmit it. But, there's a good chance you caught it soon enough. Fingers crossed!! I feel like it's inevitable for us, too. I, thankfully, don't have health anxiety about my daughter - with the exception of ticks! I made long weekend plans for a trip to western West Virginia and the first thing I did was look and see that they don't have Lyme there. I was like - Yesss, you can finally run through the tall grass like a kid!

Appa Yip Yip
23-09-18, 02:24
Thank you, I'm definitely planning to do that. It's true, at least I found it so I know to be vigilant!