View Full Version : ALS Fears all time high ....... possibly inherited.

23-09-18, 02:14

I've posted about this before and just after some reassurance as I feel I've lost all perspective. I've had HA for many years and my biggest fears have been MS initially and now ALS/MND. I stumbled across MND when researching something about MS - one of my Dad's cousins died from bulbar onset MND and another of his cousins died from some sort of muscle degenerative thing (but we're not sure what). I found out about my Dad's cousins well after my HA started (so I was already highly aware of what this illness is about).

These are the only known cases - my Dad's Aunties & Uncles have all lived to good ages and his parents were both in their 80's when they died. My Dad's grandparents on that side of the family also lived long lives.

My Dad has been sick this last week - ie. can't get out of his own way unwell. Has no energy and off food. My immediate thought was some sort of flu - but talking to him yesterday he said he just has no strength. My HA brain flies into over-drive of 'well this is it then, it must be in our family'.

I've had twitching myself and perceived weakness that has gone on for 8 or so years. My rational brain thinks this is all just too much of a coincidence my HA brain says 'see, I told you all along'.

If ALS was in our family, wouldn't it be more rampant than just two 1st cousins? ie. wouldn't some of their kids be affected by now (they're all in 40's/50's). Or shouldn't more siblings have been struck down by this? I don't want to Google as I'm already freaking out.

UPDATE - My Dad has to go and have his liver scanned as his liver function blood test was abnormal. Another set of anxiety producing worries to deal with! I am so stressed.

23-09-18, 02:25
I had a very close person to me deal with ALS, so I know alot about it. "Most of the time ALS is not inherited. In about 90% of cases, the person is the only member of the family with the disease". While it's very sad and tragic you had two people in the family suffer from illness like that. That's just bad luck. I know that will bring question of "What if that's my family" But you could do with every illness and it isn't wroth thinking about tbh

The person I knew with ALS, she had no human history. It didn't take eight years coming, it hit. It was all downhill very fast. So I personality don't think that's a issue here. Honestly. Like if your Dad did have the flu, it can make you feel very weak.
Especially if he isn't eating at the moment.

So, I'm not a doctor or have huge understanding of how the gene pool but I think it's all good here!

23-09-18, 02:56
Thanks for your reply Sarah. The rest of my family seem unconcerned - that's why I think it is my HA kicking in - but then I think what if I'm right and they're all wrong!! You lose perspective of what is normal thinking when you have HA. Sorry about your friend.