View Full Version : Please does anyone get twitches

23-09-18, 03:13
This is a new symptom to me that started in August. Not sure why it happens. I get twitches almost everywhere but the legs are the most common. I get them around my face (lips, near the eyes and cheeks) I get them in my calves and thighs and also my back. I also get them on my stomach. I am so scared. I don't have muscle pain and I drink enough water. I am so scared if there is something wrong with my brain :(

23-09-18, 03:40
Yes! Mine started in July in my cheek, then my eyelid then my calf muscle then my neck, it freaked me out! I eventually quit focusing on it and then ended up with numb tingling sensations on my face! Because it was all new to me I talked to my dr and it was anxiety. It finally all subsided about a week ago.... now around my nose itches all the time. Anxiety is crazy! I hope you feel better soon. I started taking magnesium and fish oil capsules. It seemed to have helped ( this all happens because anxiety and stress causes your nerves to “misfire”, that’s how my dr explained it to me)

23-09-18, 03:45
Ay Kinmarie we seem to both have the same type of mindset. I started taking fish oil too and it made me feel better actually. I ran out and need to buy more but for the meantime I am taking some multivitamins.

I never have twitches when I'm focused on school or out with friends because I don't have time to be anxious or have worrying thoughts in those situations because my mind is put off to a different thing. I am hoping it is anxiety.

Thanks for the reply! :)

23-09-18, 04:36
Ay Kinmarie we seem to both have the same type of mindset. I started taking fish oil too and it made me feel better actually. I ran out and need to buy more but for the meantime I am taking some multivitamins.

I never have twitches when I'm focused on school or out with friends because I don't have time to be anxious or have worrying thoughts in those situations because my mind is put off to a different thing. I am hoping it is anxiety.

Thanks for the reply! :)

If it only bothers you when you have time to focus on it, definitely anxiety! Mines the same! I take a B complex too, my dr said it can help calm the nerve impulses. Best of luck, you’re not alone in those symptoms!:)

23-09-18, 05:44
Friend, I do not know you but I know your symptoms because I have very similar ones!

I can not say what will help you because everyone is unique, but read this forum some! Because a lot of people have twitches, and 99.999999% of them are anxiety and therefore completely harmless. Exercise helps anxiety.

23-09-18, 12:45
I doubt we can find a person who has never had twitches.. thing is, once you've started hyperfocusing on them, they happen more and more. There are many, many posts here proving that. In virtually all the cases here, it's nothing serious.

Sadly, I've known 4 people who had ALS, Twitching was not how it started or ended.