View Full Version : HELLO!

21-08-07, 02:07
HI All
My Name is Mark and im new to this forum.I feel totally lost at the moment and its good to read other peoples storys.Im 33yrs old and have been suffering panic attacks since my early teen yrs.I suffer from depersonaliztion as well as agoraphobia too.Ive not been out my house for 3 days as the fear is overwhelming,i feel things are going to get worse before they get better(if they ever do).Thanks to all who contribute to this site,it really has made me feel im not alone and im not the only "madman" in the village;-)

21-08-07, 04:00
Hi Mark,
Welcome,im Sure You Will Find Loys Of Support And Info Here ,wish Ya The Best....linda

21-08-07, 07:05
Hi Mark and welcome.
I'm an agoraphobia sufferer, so if you even want to chat, feel free to PM me :)
I am sure you'll find lots of advice and support here..


21-08-07, 10:00
Hello Mark :welcome:to you!

You're certainly not alone here - and you'll find plenty of help for your immediate situation and support long-term.

Pleased to meet you!


21-08-07, 10:13
Welcome to the forum Mark, Im sure you will support and comfort here.

Luv darkangel :flowers:

21-08-07, 10:46
hi mark :)
welcome to nmp... this site is great full of useful info and you will make lots of good friends.
i dont suffer from agraphobia but i do have panic/anxiety...
shout if you would like to chat

21-08-07, 11:11
Hello Mark, Welcome to the madman clan of the villiage lol

well your not alone and your not mad, hope you find this site a great help.


21-08-07, 11:39
Hi Mark,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

21-08-07, 11:39
Welcome Mark I'm sure you will find this site of great help to you. Since finding this site I have made alot of progress and hope you do to. Good luck.

21-08-07, 11:49
Hello Mark and welcome to the site. I too suffer with Depersonalization and unreality, very un nerving indeed. I completely understand that one! Give us a shout if you need me. We all support each other here, it is a great site.xx

21-08-07, 12:48
Hi Mark
welcome to the site :)

Hope we can all be of great support to you as well as you supporting all of us, it really is a great place to come as i'm sure you have discovered, hope you manage to feel a bit better now and maybe it will help you outside.

Take care
Sharon x

21-08-07, 13:47

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Try to get out of the house as soon as possible as the longer you leave it the harder it becomes, as I found out the hard way :blush:

Take care

Trac xxxx

21-08-07, 14:32
Hi Mark,

Welcome to the site. You will find many others who feel exactly like you do and will get alot of support.



21-08-07, 20:03
Hi Mark and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

21-08-07, 21:05
Hi Mark


Lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

21-08-07, 22:10
Hi Mark

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some good advice, support and make new friends too.:)


22-08-07, 19:22
:) Hi Mark74 :)

The only madman in the village?! Far from it - You are in good company! I've been having anxiety/panic attacks for about 6-7 years & it has devoped into agoraphobia over the last few cos I let it fester too much. Finding the site is good, getting proffesional help can be even better - Have you been to your GP? They can refer you to people who have a lot of experience in this area & can help you get back to whatever you call normal. Good luck.
Take care, CarpeDiem

23-08-07, 04:19
Thanks everone for youre kind words of support,im at my GPs tomorrow,just hope i remember what to tell him(my symptoms)and not get tongue tied and let him tell me my symptons and tell me its all down to stress AGAIN!!!
Hopefully will make it to doctors because i still havent been out the house.
Thanks agaiin for words of support

Pink Princess
01-09-07, 13:11

love minnie xxxxxx