View Full Version : Swellings

23-09-18, 17:26
I suffer from health anxiety and recently had quite a few facial swelling due to allergies....I’m constantly worried about having these swellings and that I’m going to have a anaphylaxis as it’s always my mouth that swells
I go on holiday next wee to Cyprus and panicking this will happen whilst away
I know it seems silly but anyone else have this problem :weep:

23-09-18, 17:29

It depends what causes your allergies.

If you have asthma together with a peanut allergy, you should have been prescribed an Epi-Pen to use.

This would be worthwhile running past your GP, especially if the above applies.

Good luck

23-09-18, 17:33
Thanks radiogaga :)
Yen’s i have a peanut allergy but no that’s asthma
I’ve been referred to a immunologist but that’s another month away
The annoying thing I see I know I’m being irrational but I can’t seen to help it
Grrrrr :mad:

23-09-18, 18:08
Statistically, its very unlikely you'll encounter anaphylaxis within the next month if you've never encountered it before. I know only too well how hard it is to stop the cycle of panic once it starts.

It's great to hear you're in with an Immunologist, as they will be able to reassure or advise you further.

Enjoy your holiday in Cyprus - have room for one more? :roflmao: