View Full Version : Dentist

21-08-07, 12:58
I have the dentist on Thursday:mad: :mad: Its a check up but I have chipped a tooth and I know I will have to go back and have a filling.My dentist is lovely and very understanding,so why am I getting horrid tummy ache.:weep: :weep:

My worse bit is the waiting,sitting in the waiting room.Plus my appointment is not until 3.30 so I have to wait all day!!!!!:wacko: I cant do it earlier as My dad has to take me and he works until 3.

I think because I have been so down I feel more anxious.:wacko: :wacko:
My stomache is awful and Im worried Im going to have a PA.

21-08-07, 14:01
Hi Ellen,

The dental nurse at my dental practice suggested I take along and IPOD or MP3 player to listen to to stop me being so anxious while I am there and I found that it really does help :yesyes:

Let us know how it goes


Trac xx

21-08-07, 18:49
Good luck for Thursday and i'm sure that you will be just fine. My daughter fell over when she was young and she already had her two front adult teeth. Well, one got chipped and when we took her all he did was build it up and make it look as if it never happened. It was great, you couldn't tell the difference at all. Well a year ago she knocked it and it fell out, bear in mind she is now 17 so it had lasted a long, long time. She went and they did the same again and you still can't tell the difference. She was fine and had no problems and i'm sure you won't have any trouble either. I just wish that i had the nerve to go myself and have my work done. But if i just had to go for what my daughter had, i would be ok with that. But i need a crown, oh boy. Let us know how it goes, will be thinking about you.xx

21-08-07, 21:15
Good luck Ellen:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Look forward to seeing your post on Thursday under sucess stories:D

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

21-08-07, 22:41
Thanx guys:yesyes:

Angie I broke my two front teeth when I was little,I now have crowns!!!

Thanx Trace, Kazz and Angie for support:hugs: :hugs:

21-08-07, 22:54
OOOOOOHHHHH, i wish i was brave enough to go, lol.xx
Good luck for Thursday.

22-08-07, 17:36
Good luck baby.....
I did last week and my tooth taken out.
Will be thinking of you and will def come back on the pc to see the success story

22-08-07, 17:43
Hi Ellen

Just want to send my good luck wishes for tommo too hun:hugs: , you can do it !:yesyes:


22-08-07, 21:34
Good luck for tomm Ellen:D

Will be thinking of you:flowers:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

22-08-07, 22:11
You will be fine !
When I go to the dentist I try to calculate how much ££ he/she is getting. It takes my mind off all the pain. Trouble is I hate them even more after..lol

Good luck


22-08-07, 22:50
The waiting bit is always the worst hun and then we really kick ourselves afterwards cos we know it was so unecessary.

You go and remember everyone here is right behind you and waiting here till you get back - go get em tiger!! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

23-08-07, 13:25
2 hours to go,and the old stomach has started churning!!!!! :ohmy: :ohmy:
Just drinking a camomile:) to calm me down.See you all soon:ohmy: :ohmy:

23-08-07, 14:29
See ya soon Ellen Hun.......you will be fine !, will be thinking of you !:hugs:


23-08-07, 23:01
well I survived.:yesyes: I stayed pretty calm,came over a little odd while waiting which was 30 min.But I didnt panic.I thought about you all while I was sat in the chair.
I have to go back in Otober for two fillings:weep: :weep: one of them might have to be crowned,Im not happy about that.When she told me the price that took my mind of the panic.:mad: £485 for a crown.Plus she wants to replace my two front crowns at £500 each.Iv told them these will have to be done when I win the lottery.
Just for October, two fillings and the hygenist is £200.:lac: :lac:

Thats for being there.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

23-08-07, 23:12
WELL DONE ELLEN:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

24-08-07, 21:38

You did brill !!:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Gosh.....it does sound like you need a lottery win !! where do they get there prices from:mad: !


25-08-07, 12:52
You will be fine things are never as bad as you think :) think of that pink drink you get afterwards! If u wanna chat just PM :)


26-08-07, 01:30
well done ellen
love debera
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: