View Full Version : Tias or brain damage?

13-07-18, 16:14
Hi guys,

Does anyone get a lot of hot flashes that come and go and whilst they are occuring do you feel disorientated and like your brain isn't working, almost like you can't think right and everything seems weird? . It makes me worried I'm going to have a stroke or something. I also get feelings of being overly happy or euphoric at times which is unnerving.

Thanks guys

14-07-18, 18:28
Nobody get this ?

14-07-18, 18:33
I do get hot flashes and sometimes cold. Usually when im relaxing or daydreaming. I think its just your body going from hyper tense state to relaxed state but once the flash happens the body goes into hyper tense state atleast for me.

14-07-18, 18:50
This hot weather is having that effect on me. :)

And regarding euphoria yes sometimes it makes me feel sick. Get this after watching good scene in movie or eating dark chocolate or just generally sometimes. Also some SSRIs created a really screwed up sense of euphoria in me once or twice.

I think when my senses or emotions are overloaded or overwhelmed I possibly now interpret any strong feeling such as euphoria in a slightly distorted and nausea provoking way. When I was younger this didn't really happen. I avoid the cinema nowadays due to this feeling of being overloaded or overwhelmed.

25-09-18, 13:39
Hey guys, been struggling with anxiety at work today, anyone ever get these symptoms?. Seeing things wrongly, words being read completely wrong at the same time as hearing things wrongly, symptoms happening quite close to each other ( people saying words like done, I hear it as dumb). swallowing issues briefly, lettuce going down my throat slowly, head pressure sensations, leg throbbing, concentration issues, feeling like I'm off balance/slightly tripping to one side. Was holding my phone and for a split second and thought I was holding my passport. Cognition feels off sometimes, arm sensations, like its heavy. Ive been checked a while ago and given all clear but symptoms persist and convinced something is up with my brain. Anyone ever have things like this?

25-09-18, 14:46

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