View Full Version : So many symptoms

13-09-18, 08:41
Hi everyone,

On Tuesday evening, I started getting a sore bruised like feeling on the right side of my tongue so I had a look but could see no signs of anything that could be causing it to hurt. Because of my health anxiety it has led me to panic and of course my first conclusion is tongue cancer.
It is still hurting me now and I’m very worried but partner tells me it could be from a tongue spasm and he has had it before but I don’t believe it is. The fact I can’t see anything on my tongue scares me because I don’t know the cause of the pain.
I can’t get any appointment at my doctors I’ve tried twice :( but my doctor did call me and I explained the issue and he said that it doesn’t sound like anything sinsiter and to take some pain killers and that sometimes you can’t always see what’s causin the pain and that if still there in a week I can go see them. I’ve tried salt water and it eases it for a short while but then it comes back again. I’m getting so fed up with having different symptoms every week. I don’t see how anyone can get over HA if they continuously get new symptoms. For nearly a year now I’ve had things I thought were wrong with me. I don’t like having any issues with my mouth it’s my biggest fear. I just wish the pain would go away. I’ve only had it for a few days which isn’t long for something to heal but as the days go on the worse my HA gets and I start planning my funeral for something I don’t even know I have. Please somebody talk me down from this HA panic :(

13-09-18, 13:29

13-09-18, 19:06
Hey, i've had this a few times, not really sure what has ever caused mine but has lasted a few days to a week. If the doctor was worried he would got you an a appointment asap. Could be a tiny ulcer or a cut you cannot see? I am always getting them! Have you tried corsodyl mouthwash? It is great at healing any mouth problems!

13-09-18, 19:36
I don’t see how anyone can get over HA if they continuously get new symptoms. For nearly a year now I’ve had things I thought were wrong with me. I don’t like having any issues with my mouth it’s my biggest fear. I just wish the pain would go away. I’ve only had it for a few days which isn’t long for something to heal but as the days go on the worse my HA gets and I start planning my funeral for something I don’t even know I have. Please somebody talk me down from this HA panic :(

You have to get to a realization that you don't need to explain or diagnose every symptom and sensation you feel. Everyone feels weird stuff all the time and our health is rarely in any real danger. The body does weird things. Or, at the very least to start, get to a point where you can come up with a harmless explanation for the symptom (like perhaps you burned your tongue) and mentally roll with that.

As for your specific concern, I can chime in that I had a really sore tongue only on the very left side a few days ago myself. Turns out I have strep. (throat pain came on a couple days later, a week in I finally got a test) Not saying it is strep in your case but just that there are plenty of things besides cancer out there. I found some temporary relief (even for the tongue) with throat lozenges and some healing-type mouthwashes, think it's called Colgate peroxyl or something like that.

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13-09-18, 20:34
You have to get to a realization that you don't need to explain or diagnose every symptom and sensation you feel. Everyone feels weird stuff all the time and our health is rarely in any real danger. The body does weird things. Or, at the very least to start, get to a point where you can come up with a harmless explanation for the symptom (like perhaps you burned your tongue) and mentally roll with that.

As for your specific concern, I can chime in that I had a really sore tongue only on the very left side a few days ago myself. Turns out I have strep. (throat pain came on a couple days later, a week in I finally got a test) Not saying it is strep in your case but just that there are plenty of things besides cancer out there. I found some temporary relief (even for the tongue) with throat lozenges and some healing-type mouthwashes, think it's called Colgate peroxyl or something like that.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

Thank you for your reply, I know in reality there are many reasons why my tongue is sore but in my HA mind there is always only one conclusion. That’s just how my brain works unfortunately. The same time my tongue started hurting is the same time I started getting a cold so the two may well be linked. I took painkillers advised by doctor and I couldn’t feel the pain any longer I am waiting to see if it’s still there when the tablets wear off but for now it’s giving me much relief so that I can eat comfortably.

---------- Post added at 20:34 ---------- Previous post was at 20:33 ----------

Hey, i've had this a few times, not really sure what has ever caused mine but has lasted a few days to a week. If the doctor was worried he would got you an a appointment asap. Could be a tiny ulcer or a cut you cannot see? I am always getting them! Have you tried corsodyl mouthwash? It is great at healing any mouth problems!

Thank you for your reply. When it started hurting I immediately checked for an ulcer or some kind of sore spot but there’s nothing there at all that is what worried me more tbh because I can’t see where the pain is coming from. I do have some corsodyl mouthwash so I will use it later.

14-09-18, 07:40
I swear to god I think I’m cursed!
I woke up this morning and my tongue isn’t hurting anymore but it has now been replaced with my gum swelling up and red :( why???!! I can’t go one day without having any issues. It’s not causing any pain its soft and just annoying me :( I don’t know if it has anything to do with the corsodyl mouthwash I used last night has aggravated my mouth :/
Literally since going to the dentist last week I’ve had nothing my problems with my mouth

14-09-18, 08:04
Hello! I had the exact same problem as you. Part of my gum felt 'different' than my other gum -- I don't remember if it was bigger or just had a different 'texture' so to speak -- and I had a meltdown over it. However, that was a few months ago and I'm doing perfectly fine now! Also, psychcentral has a good article on body-focused/sensorimonitor obsessions. Understanding what you do and how it can effect you will help you unlearn it.

Lastly, don't prod around in your mouth (like I did......), that could probably cause things to get irritated.

14-09-18, 08:22
Hello! I had the exact same problem as you. Part of my gum felt 'different' than my other gum -- I don't remember if it was bigger or just had a different 'texture' so to speak -- and I had a meltdown over it. However, that was a few months ago and I'm doing perfectly fine now! Also, psychcentral has a good article on body-focused/sensorimonitor obsessions. Understanding what you do and how it can effect you will help you unlearn it.

Lastly, don't prod around in your mouth (like I did......), that could probably cause things to get irritated.

I think the mouthwash I used last night has irritated it so I’m not feeling worried at the moment I’m just annoyed because it’s a new thing every other day. Very frustrating when you are trying to get over your HA and new symptoms just make it worse!

14-09-18, 08:28
LOL yea, I'm in the same boat! There's a completely new symptom like every other few weeks, and sometimes they're so strange that you think no one else could possibly have had them due to anxiety! But then they pass, and a new one comes on, but for some reason you can never fully convince yourself that if you've had a strange symptom in the past and been okay, that you can make it through this one. Keep on fighting, I believe in you!

14-09-18, 11:00
Pressed on the gum that is swollen and blood is coming out :( argh hope not infected really don’t fancy a trip to the dentist was literally there last week. I never have trouble with my teeth or gums after one trip to the dentist after 20 years I get issues grrrr

15-09-18, 09:55
I am feeling very low today. I am having so many mouth related issues which is doing nothing for my HA :( first it started off with a sore tongue which got better in about 3 days after a took some corsodyl mouthwash. This stuff always makes my mouth tingle a little but the next day a little white lie bump popped up and is a bit sore which doesn’t bother me to much because I know the mouth wash caused it. Then part of my gum round my tooth swelled slightly but isn’t sore but when I press on it it’s soft and some blood came out. Then after this later in the day the top left side of my gums start to hurt and I don’t know if this is a pre menstrual symptom as I tend to get sore gums before this time and I’m due a period next week so I’m assuming it’s because of that but my HA tells me other stupid things. Then I notice a little blister in my inside mouth don’t know how I done that could have possible cut it with food. I’m just very fed up and low at the moment because everything is getting me down. I also have a cold and a blocked ear which is now leaking wax. Everything is just not right with me and this peaks my HA and puts me into a deep depression where i see no hope for myself :( also I still worry about my neck all the time it’s just non stop worry and I hate it

15-09-18, 19:32
I’m scared of life and it’s horrible. I so desperately want to live but yet I’m scared to at the same time. I’m scared to enjoy things, I get worried when I laugh because I feel I’m enjoying life too much and something bad is going to happen to take all the happiness away from me. This has been going on for nearly a year now. I want it to stop before it takes anymore of my life but how when every week I have something to worry about. I don’t worry about aches and pains I worry about things I can physically see that are in my head wrong or shouldn’t be there. For example a cut in my mouth would cause me to panic but a headache wouldn’t worry me. If i see a cut in my mouth my instant thought is I have to get to a doctor in case it’s cancer and I need them to catch in time otherwise I will die. I can’t live like this anymore it’s not right and it’s going to end up with me killing myself to escape the fear I feel every day :(

17-09-18, 09:04
I feel sick to my stomach this morning :( I don’t know what to do. I have to try and go back to my doctors today about the node in my neck because he told me to come back if still there after a month and it’s been a month :( actually it’s been there for 3 months now! Also my mouth is in so much pain, my gums are sore, and I have a sore spot on my tongue and ulcer on the inside part of my lip so eating has been hard. I’m so rundown and fed up :(

---------- Post added at 09:04 ---------- Previous post was at 05:54 ----------

I’ve got. Doctors appointment at 12.45 today I’m so nervous, I’m hoping the doctor doesn’t say I need to go for a scan because I’m going to stress big time. I just want it over with :(

17-09-18, 13:23
I’ve got. Doctors appointment at 12.45 today

Why not discuss your anxiety and ask for some help?

Positive thoughts

17-09-18, 13:35
My doctor has told me I don’t need to worry about the node that it may stay forever but that is completely fine it is nothing to worry about and that in his opinion it actually felt smaller than last time. So I am so very happy about this now. It was the suggestion of a scan is what was peaking my anxiety but this is now not necessary thankfully :)
I am going to start doing an online cbt course and take my time with it. When I had cbt with a therapist it felt very rushed and didn’t feel right for me. I think I need to educate myself to help myself get better. But first thing a shopping trip tomorrow to treat myself :)

17-09-18, 14:11
I am going to start doing an online cbt course and take my time with it. When I had cbt with a therapist it felt very rushed and didn’t feel right for me. I think I need to educate myself to help myself get better. But first thing a shopping trip tomorrow to treat myself :)

Sounds like you have had a productive day. And really well done on recognising the real problem and making plans to help yourself.

Why not have a look at the CBT4Panic course which is approved by NMP?

A shopping treat is a great idea.

17-09-18, 14:26
Thank you I will take a look at that for sure :)

18-09-18, 07:38
Hi everyone,

I don't know if all my current mouth issues are down to stress but its causing me to feel very down.

I have 4 different things going on with my mouth atm, which i feel is rather alot! I have just gotten over the worry of lymph nodes and now i have to deal with this its like i can never escape.

1. sore on tongue, i believe caused by mouth wash i used which was very harsh and caused my tongue to tingle and burn a bit, this was very sore for 3 days but is now healing so i know there is no issue with that.
2. Very sore and painful gum in one area of my mouth, sometimes i get painful gums just before my menstrual cycle, and this seems to be the same but this time its more painful then ever and showing no signs of healing and the pain is excruciating and feels so bruised even though i haven't bruised my gums so this is a worry for me. When i check the gums they are very red and sore looking.
3. ulcer on the inside of my mouth, slightly sore but not much and has been there for 3 days could be another symptom of menstrual cycle but i still worry due to HA.
4. small little bumps in the inside of my mouth the inside bit of the lips, one is bigger and more prominent then the others have i irritated it i dont know it just appeared out of nowhere yesterday.

All these things are giving me alot of anxiety and i worry about oral cancer, i am so trying to get over my HA but how can you when things keep constatly popping up to worry you. Do any f these things sound alarming to anyone and does anyone have any advice about painful gums because they are so sore. I don't want to rush to the dentist i thought it would give it until friday and then if still sore make a dentist appointment. I was at the dentists last week and since then i feel i have had loads of issues with my mouth come up.

If anyone can offer some advice that would be great.

18-09-18, 08:10

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


18-09-18, 11:49
My sister had like a really early stage of this rare oral cancer. The dentist noticed it right away and my sister hadn't even noticed anything herself yet. She also suffered extreme anixety at the time due to education and exams.

Point is he saw it right away, if he didn't see anything a week ago. I don't personally think it can be anything that serious going on. Like it's like your worry has shifted from one thing to another. Which is common. I'm guilt of it also.

18-09-18, 11:59
Yeah I know, I feel relief when I’m over one thing and then it’s like my brain thinks it has to find something else wrong for me to worry about. Logically I know it’s nothing but the HA likes to scare me. The tongue sore has more or less healed so the fact things are healing I know they aren’t cancer. I’m just very obsessed with my mouth atm.

18-09-18, 12:06
My doctor has told me I don’t need to worry about the node that it may stay forever but that is completely fine it is nothing to worry about and that in his opinion it actually felt smaller than last time. So I am so very happy about this now. It was the suggestion of a scan is what was peaking my anxiety but this is now not necessary thankfully :)
I am going to start doing an online cbt course and take my time with it. When I had cbt with a therapist it felt very rushed and didn’t feel right for me. I think I need to educate myself to help myself get better. But first thing a shopping trip tomorrow to treat myself :)

Just a wee reminder of yesterday's more positive post.

18-09-18, 12:17
I cant really help the worry unfortunately, however i did go on my shopping trip but i started to get anxiety and had to cut it short and go back home :(
Im not allowing myself to panic as of yet, or run to the doctor but the gum issue is very painful, i put some gel today its supposed to give some pain relief for gums and ulcers so im hoping it will help. Ive also been cleaning my mouth out with salt and water, im not using the mouthwash again as it really aggravates my mouth. If the gums still hurt friday i will have to mae a dentists appointment because the gums are very sore.

18-09-18, 14:38
You have to get to a realization that you don't need to explain or diagnose every symptom and sensation you feel.


18-09-18, 15:32
I didn’t say I needed an explanation it’s just getting me down because Its painful

18-09-18, 16:31
Yeah I know, I feel relief when I’m over one thing and then it’s like my brain thinks it has to find something else wrong for me to worry about. Logically I know it’s nothing but the HA likes to scare me. The tongue sore has more or less healed so the fact things are healing I know they aren’t cancer. I’m just very obsessed with my mouth atm.

This is what you need to be posting about, not seeking reassurance for each twinge and pain you may feel

18-09-18, 17:21
I am just saying I have inflamed painful gums.

19-09-18, 07:34
My mouth is causing me to feel really ill with the pain I just wish it would stop hurting. I just want to go back to my normal life and not constantly having new issues all the time. It’s just not fair

19-09-18, 22:30
I have my dentist appointment tomorrow and I feel sick with worry :( I really don’t want to go and I wish I didn’t have to but I see no other alternative as my gum has been so painful since Friday. I’ve waited for as long as possible but I can’t stand the pain anymore :( I honestly hope it’s nothing major wrong and I get given antibiotics and sent on my way. I wasn’t even at the dentists that long ago and now this has happened :(

20-09-18, 20:30
I am so sick and tired of all this I just want to cry and cry or go to sleep and no wake up. I have now found a small lump on side of tongue it doesn’t hurt it’s jsut there and I can only feel it when I run my finger down the side of my tongue. I’m scared it’s cancer :( why am I so unlucky. I keep getting different things all the time and it just won’t stop I’m not even looking or checking I just feel something odd have a look and there’s the bump! Whyyyyy please just leave me alone! Please someone advise me what to do neck?

---------- Post added at 20:30 ---------- Previous post was at 19:10 ----------

the small bump wasnt hurting but now it is :( wth is going on with my tongue lately i keep getting sore and bumps and ulcers i dont understand what is going on its causing me so much stress and i feel like im just going round and round in circles i just want to be healthy pain free and normal.

20-09-18, 20:32
Did you go to the dentist today?

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20-09-18, 20:48
yes but i didnt have any issue with my tongue then so i didnt show him. This just all of a sudden came out of nowhere :(
My dentist only checked my gum and took xray of it, argh im so frustrated with my mouth, its constantly hurting :( when one thing heals another thing starts to hurt :(

20-09-18, 21:00
He would still have noticed if something was out of place. Or it could be a reaction from the instruments he used.

You’ve had the all clear, so really it’s best to forget put it now rather than finding something new to focus on.

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20-09-18, 21:10
Im trying my best to ignore it but because its a bit sore its hard to not think about it :( im hoping it will go away soon, i have a prebooked doctors appointment in october so i guess if its still an issue then i will show him im just hoping it will feel better.

21-09-18, 08:43
I think it may be another ulcer but on my tongue this time! I’ve had so many ulcers and sores in my tongue this month. Is this some kind of deficiency?! It’s getting me down

22-09-18, 08:34
So I have one tongue ulcer, now I have another! We’d is going on?! Why am I getting these ulcers?

22-09-18, 09:55
Could it not be from the dentist using the X-ray equipment?

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22-09-18, 11:14
Nope it’s not on that side. I don’t know if the stress I’m causing myself is causing me to get ulcers :( I’m just fed up of my mouth being in pain for a month with ulcers in different places. They eventually go but then a new one will pop up after I’ve stressed about another one. I don’t know if it’s stress or if I’m lacking in some kind of vitamins.

23-09-18, 09:47
Ok so most of my mouth issues have resolved after a week or so, I now know hat I am too quick to panic and I don’t give anything time to heal instead I worry loads and then end up causing another symptom because of stress.
I also have realised that some symptoms such as sore gums and ulcers come about due to my menstrual cycle as I’ve seen a pattern. But my HA tells my brain something different to terrify me. The other day I began getting strange pains in my chin so I googled it and was told it was cancer :/ like really?! The next day pain was gone... so if I had honestly listened to google I would be rushing to the doctors thinking I’m about to die!!
Now the issue I’m currently dealing with is letting myself be happy and to get on with normal things in life without waiting and worrying for the next symptom to arise. When I’m having a good, symptom free day I get scared because I feel it’s too good to be true! I don’t know how to escape that mentality or to escape HA thoughts each day. I want to not think about my health as soon as I wake and just wake like a normal person thinking about the things they have to do that day. It’s like I can never escape the vicious circle!

24-09-18, 10:12
It’s just never ending for me. I managed to get over issues with my mouth I had but now I’m worried about a reddish patch in my mouth. I know it’s been there for at least two weeks but don’t know if it’s always been there. I read mouth cancer can be a red patchc so now I’m freaking out :( I can’t see the same colouring on the other side that is what is scaring me

---------- Post added at 10:12 ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 ----------

Hi again I’ve added a photo of redness I’m worried about in my mouth :(


24-09-18, 15:39
I saw a doctor he checked my mouth and even my tongue said nothing is wrong I don’t need to worry ! He said I’m a 31 year old female with nothing wrong! But I need to sort the anxiety out! Yes i agree! Please take it away!
I told him cbt didn’t work for me. He’s suggesting councilling which would get to the route cause of the anxiety along with meds. I honestly need it and I’m willing to do anything at this point I just want the fear and worry to go away.

24-09-18, 17:59
Brilliant news from your doctor. Well done for going, I hope you get counselling soon.

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25-09-18, 23:45
Hi everyone, I’m fed up of my body. I have so many symptoms and it’s exhausting me.

Currently i have:

Sore ulcer on my tongue
Shooting pains in throat
Sore nipple
Mild pain when I wee
Teeth clenching

Anyone else in the same boat?

25-09-18, 23:48
I always have symptoms, more like a book, not a list! it stinks! Sad part for me is I get over one, and then I get another, and another, and another!!!!

25-09-18, 23:54
I always have symptoms, more like a book, not a list! it stinks! Sad part for me is I get over one, and then I get another, and another, and another!!!!

I’m the same, this was just a list of my current symptoms. I’ve had many before that I have gotten over it but Im just so sick and tired of it

26-09-18, 00:00

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


26-09-18, 00:12
I know how you feel, I had a sore tongue on one side and it’s just started to go and now it’s sore on the other side!! bloody hell!! Lol!
I have neck tension and random shooting pains all over - arm, tummy you name it
I know how you feel xx Honestly I think I have all the symptoms you listed on/off
Hope you’re ok

26-09-18, 08:22

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

You have already posted previously what you need to do to get relief from all these thoughts, now would be a good time to start moving forward.


26-09-18, 09:30
I know how you feel, I had a sore tongue on one side and it’s just started to go and now it’s sore on the other side!! bloody hell!! Lol!
I have neck tension and random shooting pains all over - arm, tummy you name it
I know how you feel xx Honestly I think I have all the symptoms you listed on/off
Hope you’re ok

Yeah my tongue has been giving me loads of issues lately and I don’t know why. I’m trying to be ok and get on with life but it’s so hard I will literally just be sitting down not thinking of anything and then I will get a shooting pain in my neck and it’s like what the hell leave me alone! It’s just so draining.

26-09-18, 10:24

You have already posted previously what you need to do to get relief from all these thoughts, now would be a good time to start moving forward.


As above

06-10-18, 19:09
My mouth won’t stop having issues. I’m literally thinking about not eating anymore because every time I eat my mouth ends up getting more ulcers and sores. Or maybe just eat liquid food. Literally got rid of an ulcer two days later a new one pops back up on my tongue after eating a curry!! Wish I hadn’t :( then my mouth hurts on one side behind my top back tooth it’s so sore red and painful looks inflamed. I don’t get what is wrong with my mouth to keep having continuous issues this can’t be normal. I’m in constant pain with it when I eat or talk :( this all makes me scared and start thinking stupid things like oral cancer. I just want a break from being in pain :(

08-10-18, 14:17
Still have a sore mouth :(

Although the doctor did have a look today and said she wasn't concerned and to put bonjela on it. I am going to try and ignore it and hope it heals on its own. I've only had it a couple of days so i need to stay calm.

10-10-18, 07:48
So it’s been 5 days now and the gum at the back of my top back molar is still sore and inflamed :( I’m getting a bit worried now as I can’t see what’s going on back there I can not not see the redness. Not sure if I should wait for at least a week or not. Is it something serious I have no idea :(

11-10-18, 17:58
I’m starting to feel so ill I have so many issues going on and none of them are being resolved for me. I’m so tired and just want to sleep all the time. My mouth is still very sore, red and inflamed behind my molar tooth and I now have pain in my bum and it’s so uncomfortable. My doctor won’t help me and just keeps saying it’s my anxiety and that having bum pain for a few days isn’t serious. I know it may not be serious but it’s hurting and uncomfortable and making me feel tired because I can’t sleep :( painkillers do nothing to help. I don’t know what to do anymore I just wish all the pain would go away and let me live I’m so exhausted.

11-10-18, 22:35
I have diff symptoms to you but I still feel the same way. Like I've got cancer and in going to die. It's so lonely and terrifying. It just be so frustrating that the gum pain keeps reoccurring but you've seen a doc and a dentist, so you know it's nothing too much to worry about. I know how you feel thought. It's exhausting dealing with HA. Walking up and facing the feelings all over again and worrying about them xx

12-10-18, 08:47
Yes and every morning your hoping the symptoms will be gone so you don’t have to worry it then you know you will just find something else to worry about
The gum issue is still there but the pain has lessened I’m hoping that means it’s healing
The bum issue feels a lot better today I think it may have been a spasm or a pre menstrual syptom as my period came this morning

12-10-18, 17:06
That's great! Keep going forwards with positivity. You'll be fine :) xx

09-11-18, 20:03
I’m back here again, I’m so disappointed ☹️
I’m worrying about things in my mouth again it’s my own fault for constantly checking. I’m worried about the ridges on my pallet and wondering all the time if they are normal and I noticed at the back of my soft palate a small red round patch. I’m worried it’s some kind of cancer. I’m trying my hardest to not run to the doctors and waiting at least two weeks but it’s making me ill with worry.
My medication dosage has been upped to 100g and I’m sure this has caused me to be more anxious ��
Ive attaches a pic below and have circled what I’m worried about.


---------- Post added at 20:03 ---------- Previous post was at 17:31 ----------

Anybody? :(

09-11-18, 20:45
This has been going on since September AGirl. Your anxiety is trying really hard to make something out of nothing. I think it's time you accept normal bodily structures as normal and your dosage increase is playing a part :shrug:

Positive thoughts

09-11-18, 22:15
This has been going on since September AGirl. Your anxiety is trying really hard to make something out of nothing. I think it's time you accept normal bodily structures as normal and your dosage increase is playing a part :shrug:

Positive thoughts

Yes I agree too. My doctor said this may happen, she said health anxiety likes to try and take charge. I’m trying so hard to beat it, the meds do work for me and I know a side effect in the first few weeks of taking it can be to make you more anxious. I see my doctor in 2 weeks anyway for a chat so if I’m still concerned I guess I can just ask her. I’m trying with all my willpower to not go to the doctors any sooner.

11-11-18, 09:05
I feel like I’m losing control again with my anxiety. I’m worrying about so many different things and don’t know what is real and what is not. I’m constantly checking my mouth and started worrying about lymph nodes again :(
I just wish it would all stop! I have 9 days until I speak to my doctor again and I’m really trying my best to hold off going to the doctors until then. Why do I have these huge obsession with thinking I have oral cancer. I don’t get it!

20-11-18, 07:39
Hi everyone, here i am again

This time im worried about my throat it has been sore on one side for over a week now, and ive stopped myself from going to the doctors but now im worried because it isnt getting any better, it hurts to swallow and sometimes hurts to talk, eating and drinking are fine. Im so concerned now and dont know what to do.