View Full Version : Help Needed With A Friend

21-08-07, 14:51
I'm travelling down to the Notting Hill Carnival at the weekend. I go most years and enjoy it and a mate of mine holds a pre carnival party at his house on the Saturday every year.

This year a mate of mine has asked to come with me as he's never been before and wants to experience it. I said okay no problem as he's recently split from his girlfriend and needs cheering up.

Now, here's the bit that's making me anxious:

He's my mate and a good bloke deep down but he drinks like a fish and can get argumentative with people (bit like I was about 7 years ago). I don't judge him, that's why he's still my mate, BUT I'm dreading that he's going to cause a "scene" with one or more of my other mates - especially if they start disagreeing on politics or something.

I've told him on the phone half-jokingly to "bloody behave or else" but I'm worried that I'm not going to be able to enjoy myself this year as I'll more or less have to "baby-sit" him.

And if I don't enjoy Carnival, I'll come home and feel rubbish for weeks.

I'm trying to help the bloke get on with his life and thought a few days in London would do him good but I just hope I don't end up losing some of my other mates.


21-08-07, 15:00
Hi there Gordon!

Tricky one this huh?

Personally I'd be up front an honest with him - say that you've left the heavy drinking behind but you still manage to have a great time regardless. You've already 'broken the ice' somewhat by having a joke about it on the phone.

Also could you have a discreet chat with your other mates beforehand and prepare them just in case?

That way, if things do get out of hand they'll be able to handle it forwarned.

Hope it doesn't come to that though, and that you all have a cracking good time without any 'awkward moments' !!

Lucky mate, having a friend like you who cares eh?

Don't forget to let us know what a great time you've had!


21-08-07, 15:07
Hi Gordon

Perhaps you need to have a talk with your mate more than half jokingly! If as you say he's a good bloke deep down maybe he will listen to your concerns.

It would be a shame if you didn't enjoy yourself because you had to baby sit your mate when really he should be responsible for himself seeing as he's an adult!

Hope all goes well.


21-08-07, 21:26
Hi Gordy:hugs:

If it was me I would not take him at all!!

I dont mean turn your back on him just make an excuse and arrange something else another time thats just for you and him:yesyes:

You deserve a break:D

Luv Kaz x x x

21-08-07, 23:10
Er yeah, the thought had crossed my mind Kazzie but he's already booked his coach ticket and digs.

Plus he DOES need cheering up and the Carnival is a good place for doing that.

I think I'm gonna have to tell him to go easy on the booze just for one weekend.

Hopefully he'll get it through that head of his that you CAN have fun without alcohol.

Gordon XX

22-08-07, 00:54
You Just Answered Your Own Question Gord I Think Its Great To Take A Friend In Need.......just Tell Him What You Said Thats All....best To Ta.....linda Xx

22-08-07, 21:39
Hi Gordy:hugs:

Ok I understand you have to take him so.........you will have to treat him as I did my late cousin and tell him he best behave or the deal is off!!!

Maybe when he is sober show him these posts???

And if I dont catch you on chat before I hope you both have a fabby time!!!!

Try and take some piccies to post.....would love to see them xx

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs: