View Full Version : Back in the cycle again... (liver worries)

26-09-18, 15:01

So, i really have been doing everything i can to improve my heath, but i feel like its a losing battle. Why do i say this? So, my GI has been wanting to follow my liver function, following my Dx of fatty liver. Over the last few months of course, i have seriously lost weight (over 33lb now), and been eating way better. I am walking miles daily. So, with my test i did Friday, i was hoping to see some improvement. But, here is what i got:

Protein, Total
7.1g/dL ( 6.0 - 8.5)

4.7g/dL ( 3.5 - 5.5)

Bilirubin, Total
0.4mg/dL (0.0 - 1.2)

Bilirubin, Direct
0.13mg/dL (0.00 - 0.40)

Alkaline Phosphatase
76IU/L (39 - 117)

32IU/L (0 - 40)

55IU/L (0 - 44) HIGH

My past results (6/20/18):
Protein, Total
7.1g/dL ( 6.0 - 8.5)

4.7g/dL ( 3.5 - 5.5)

Bilirubin, Total
0.5mg/dL (0.0 - 1.2)

Bilirubin, Direct
0.12mg/dL (0.00 - 0.40)

Alkaline Phosphatase
77IU/L (39 - 117)

31IU/L (0 - 40)

57IU/L (0 - 44) HIGH

My ALT is still elevated, right where it was 3 months ago. I feel like at this point, some larger measure of change should have happened if i was getting better. Not to mention, i calculate my globulin levels (Proteins - Alb), and i get 2.4, which seems to be the borderline low of normal (depending on the site). Low seems to be an indicator of liver (or kidney disease), so that is spinning in my head too..

I don't blame him per se, but i know that know (i am seeing him today), he will no doubt want to run even more tests and exams to further confirm the fatty liver (already had ultrasound and full (negative) hep panel). I know, i KNOW i have no grounds to complain, but i am already so tired of tests, and having to stress out about them. I still can't accept the idea that my heart is ok (i am sorry to say, i still have not lost my worry despite what the doctor said), so this is just another level of worry. So, basically, i am in a whole new cycle of worry, (which i had started moving on from a little while ago)...


26-09-18, 21:27
Yep, my doc is still having a a fit over my bloodwork. Since my LFT has been elevated for more than 6 months, he is pushing for additional blood work (things like Wilson's, etc), then redo my LFTs in 3 months. If they are still high, he wants to do a biopsy to confirm suspicion. He agreed everything else looks fine, but even though my Alt has come down since the start, since it is still elevated, he won't let it go.

So, I am again stuck in the cycle of more testing. Hard to find happiness at any of this - I busted ass (literally) to improve, and no blood improvement to show for it..

I am strongly considering a change of doc at this point. A biopsy seems extreme, and I am just not comfortable. Decisions decisions..

27-09-18, 16:51
God... I was feeling so confident this morning, and I am a wreck this afternoon. I am so damn torn between doing all the extra tests, or not. I am so clueless as to what is too much paranoid, or if I should be extremely worried. I have no idea how to cope anymore..