View Full Version : Really scared - visual disturbance

26-09-18, 21:38
I'm pretty freaked but trying to stay calm. I had been looking at my phone a while when my vision in the right eye went a bit weird, blurred. I thought I'd been looking at the screen too long. When I looked up my vision was like a multicoloured line that was kind of flashing and lasted about 20 minutes. I thought something serious was happening but faded off. I googled, nhs said retinal migraine which can cause flashing etc. Found some more stuff about 'scintillating scotoma' or something. Apparently it's benign but I'm still terrified. Usually common with people about to have a migraine but I don't get those nor do I have a headache.

Am I OK? Any advice?

Thank you xx

26-09-18, 22:12
I remember the first time I got one of those! I thought I was having a stroke, or a brain tumor, something! It really is an Aura before the migraine!(calm before the storm) Some people get the headache, and some people do not! Some of the triggers are: chocolate, caffeine, bright lights, sun, computer screens! They're harmless, but when your having one, it is so frightening! I still freak out when it happens! I did get my eyes checked after, and you should get checked also, just to be sure. However, I understood exactly what you meant. Even sometimes it's like a silver squiggly line, and I really can't see, and yes it's exactly 20-25 minutes! Feels like an hour though! I hope you feel better, so sorry you got one! :hugs:

26-09-18, 23:39
Thank you doxiemamma! Yeah I really did go into panic mode, was so scary cos it seemed to last so long. I've never had that before either. It's good to know I'm not the only one.

Thanks again for replying xx

27-09-18, 01:21
I have had that as well! I remember the first time it happened to me. I was eating lunch with my toddler and I was facing a window, it was sunny so I thought it was like when you come in from the sun and your vision is off... But it didn't go away. And it was shaped like a crescent, multicolored and broken lined.Like a kaleidoscope. I freaked. I politely excused myself then went to look at my eye in the mirror.... The whole thing lasted. Twenty five minutes.
I don't get migraines either, but I get those. I had my eyes checked and they are fine. It's called an optical migraine, an aura or a silent migraine. You are fine. :)

27-09-18, 11:00
Kittenrain that was exactly like mine. It was like a half moon shape of bright colours and squiggles, so scary! I thought it would just be from the bright light on my phone but didn't go away. Seemed to help after I went into a dark room and closed my eyes for a bit.

Thank you for your reply xx

10-11-18, 13:40
Did you all have this as I one off? Because I’ve been experiencing these since August it seems to be happening a lot now! ��

10-11-18, 16:36
I had them all through my twenties and into my thirties. They happened more when I was very sttessed.

10-11-18, 17:11
Hi everyone,

I’ve had this happen, and felt a bit worried the first time too.
Did the usual googling, and found that as mentioned, the scintillating Scotoma as it’s called seems to be a visual 'aura' that can come before a migraine.
Luckily I don’t get the pain, just the visual thing happen sometimes.
I must have had about three altogether I think, over the last 5 years. Last time I was at home and just tried to be relaxed and interested in it until it faded.
Quite an odd experience though!

10-11-18, 17:14
I'm pretty freaked but trying to stay calm. I had been looking at my phone a while when my vision in the right eye went a bit weird, blurred. I thought I'd been looking at the screen too long. When I looked up my vision was like a multicoloured line that was kind of flashing and lasted about 20 minutes. I thought something serious was happening but faded off. I googled, nhs said retinal migraine which can cause flashing etc. Found some more stuff about 'scintillating scotoma' or something. Apparently it's benign but I'm still terrified. Usually common with people about to have a migraine but I don't get those nor do I have a headache.

Am I OK? Any advice?

Thank you xx

Ocular migraine!

I got one of those for the first time when I was twelve. They are scary but harmless, and might cause a headache.

I'd only worry if that aura is there for hours and didn't pass.

Relax :hugs:

10-11-18, 19:33
I have the flashing lights thing too. So much so I have made an appointment to see the optician on Thursday. It only happens at night. Very weird.:huh: