View Full Version : I am so scared.

21-08-07, 18:49
Hi Everyone

I am so scared at the moment, I have just received a letter asking me to make an appointment, to go and basically have a medical done, it is to do with Incapacity Benefit, the problems I have are due to depression.

I am just so not looking forward to it, I made the appointment on the 6 September, I am just so scared.

Has anyone else been to one, how many people are in the room? . I just don't like not knowing if you see what I mean.


21-08-07, 18:53
You will be fine and there is nothing to worry about.
My hubby has had loads of these and i have been with him.
You will go in a room with one of the medical doctors and they will ask you questions and ask about what you can and can't do and ask if you are on any medication. If you have a physical problem then they will ask you to show it to them, ask you to do some simple things. With my hubby he has an arm injury, so they ask him to stand up and move it forward and back and up and down and round and pull the doctors arm and stuff like that. You have nothing to worry about and can take someone with you too. Let us know how it goes, and please do not worry about this, you will be fine. The only problem that we ever have is remembering dates and medication doses and things, memory is shot, lol.xx

21-08-07, 19:24
I've had one twice it was just like being at the doctors, one to one in a room with a desk. Mine was just for mental health problems so they just asked questions, just like the form you filled in. The doc will ask you things like - what do you do in a day? Then you'd just say what you do, get up etc etc. He also asked stuff like can I do my own washing, can you go to shops by yourself. Just answer truthfully but make sure they hear all your problems, why you can't work. I worked myself into a state both times before hand but the actual thing was ok. :)

Look at this leaflet http://www.covlaw.org.uk/welfare/leaflets/leaflet10.html has good advice.

21-08-07, 23:27

Many Thanks for replying, the problems I have are due to depression, everything else is ok(apart from ladies problems where I have to go to the loo every 1hr or so) I don't feel like I am ready to find a job yet, I don't feel strong enough, if you see what I mean, I know its sounds pathetic, but that is how I feel.

What happens if you get turned down? what benefits do you go on to then?

I am just so anxious and worrying about this medical thing whether I am going to pass or not.


21-08-07, 23:27
Just an after thought. I do rememeber that you have to tell them everything as if it is on a BAD DAY!! Show and tell you at your WORST. But you will be fine hun, i have been with my hubby while he and i have had anxiety problems and it was just fine, promise.xx

03-09-07, 12:29

Not long now until the dreaded medical :weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::w eep:

03-09-07, 13:49
i have been to loads of them. angiebaby is right when they ask you questions tell them what you are like on your worst days. so if you have days where you cant get out of bed tell them that. mention every single medical problem you have. even the loo bit. seriously tho it is just like going to the doctors and yes you can take someone with you. i always do cause i am always so edgy. most of all try and stay calm you will be fine.

i will be thinking of you, so let us know what happens when you get back alright?


03-09-07, 19:46
I've got my first medical coming up soon as well, so i know how you feel :ohmy:

I'm just going to try and get through it by hopefully taking someone along with me for moral support, and by trying not to panic (easier said than done i know - my heart's racing from just thinking about it!!!)

I'm sure you'll be fine though hun - i hope it goes well for you :)

Take care and try not to worry :hugs:

Lorelai x

07-09-07, 13:31
Hi Everyone

Thanks for the replies. Well I went to my appointment yesterday, I went with my partner, I was nervous as hell, I had to wait ages in the waiting room, 40 minutes as they were running late. If just felt awful, I could feel my chest tightening up, I could hear my heart beating fast, hands begining to shake.

And then the Dr called my name, she was asking all sort of questions, including do you have any pets? do you feed the pets? do you walk the dog? (what is that all about), hello I am not going to let my pets starve, if I don't feed them then someone else feeds them. Plus the Dr had all of the information from the form I filled in and from my own Dr , why ask the questions again?

I am sure that she things I am just a lazy slob, who gets up at lunchtimes and hangs about in your nightclothes, it is hard when you suffer from depression, I wish I didn't suffer from it. (if you see what I mean) I hope I will pass, as I don't think I am fit for work at the moment, plus I get upset so easily over the smallest of things.

Well I thought I would give you an update of what is going on.


07-09-07, 14:11
They ask everyone things about a typical daily life. :) Some of them do seem strange but I guess it's just to see how your life is - as in can you go out - can you look after a pet or does someone else have to do everything - I just answer truefully - I do get up at 12 but I'm able to go out and my ocd stops me from doing a lot of things, they just need to know if you are suitable to work or not. I'm sure you will be fine.