View Full Version : Right sided wheeze/rattle in chest

27-09-18, 11:41
Has anyone experienced this before? I had the doctor listen to my chest while laying down (because that's the only time I can really feel the rattle) and he said there is a very slight noise coming from the right side. He described is a k-k-k-k-k sound. I'm yet to go for an X-ray but he didn't seem concerned. Dr Google tells me the major cause of unilateral wheeze is a tumour.

Desperately need some reassurance because I am feeling it again tonight in bed and worrying myself sick. I seem to have a runny nose a lot and feel like there's a bit of post nasal drip happening but my doctor said he couldn't see any drip. Is it possible it could be that and only going into my right lung?

I'm 36, never smoked. I do have a quiet sounding cough why is mostly non productive and worse before bed and in the morning.

I've posted about lung cancer worries before but I'm really just wondering if having a unilateral wheeze or rattle is common and not something sinister like the internet is telling me 😞

27-09-18, 11:55
I have had this before, the doctor thought it was a lingering infection. I did worry about it though and eventually self referred for a chest CT. this was a BIG mistake as it discovered tiny lung nodules (nothing to do with the wheeze), which then needed a repeat scan 12 months later to prove they were benign (they were, but I had 12 months of terror as you can imagine). The moral of the message is trust your doctor! My doctor wasn’t concerned (and was right). You doctor isn’t concerned (as is right)

28-09-18, 13:21
I'm stressing tonight because I've been having pains in the right side of my chest (or breast - I've been having shooting pains in my boob all day) but now if feels like it's more in my chest, and now it's radiating to the exact opposite spot in my back. I did eat an entire pizza for dinner and not too long after the back pain started. Can acid reflux cause this pain in the right side? I always thought it was more left sided? It feels like I have a big golf ball stuck in there at the moment.

I hate feeling anxious like this.

---------- Post added at 22:21 ---------- Previous post was at 22:19 ----------

Thanks for the reply Jojo2316, nice to know someone else has experienced the same thing. So glad your nodules turned out to be benign.

I think I would be too scared to go for a CT scan, I can't even manage to get an X-ray done! I'm so terrified they will find something bad and then it will be real!

28-09-18, 14:02
Well do get your X-ray if your dr has recommended it (certainly no need for CT!), you might have an infection which needs treating. As for the pains you are suffering, anxiety and hyper awareness can cause those (and almost every other symptom you can think of!!)
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