View Full Version : Tender/irritated feeling around upper sides, back and front dry cough & sore throat

27-09-18, 15:20

So this forum has been a really help in my latest bout of health anxiety. Without reading my posts, I am:

> 29 year old male, married with a little girl (and another baby on the way)
> Recent serious bout of health anxiety I'm still going through is/was related to ALS/MND (see posts)
> On 9th day of 50mg of seratline
> Don't smoke though know lots of people who do, drink alcohol weekly

My anxiety levels are finally coming down and I'm feeling better mentally, however since I started taking the 50mg of seratline I've started to feel the following:

> A weird tender/sore/irritated feeling in my upper sides, front around the chest (lower chest) and back. It isn't like a pulled muscle pain, the sort of feeling you'd get if you'd burnt the skin and put a t-shirt over the top. Very weiod

> A dry cough, tickly at times - not coughing at the time, just annoying and feel like I have to keep doing it

> A slightly sore throat, that makes me want to swallow a lot. Excess saliva.

> When I breath it, it feels like something is on the top of my chest (that sort of tickle feeling)

Any thoughts? Anyone else had with with seratline? The feeling around the sides, front and back is really weird. Of course, being full of HA, I started to worry about lung cancer and throat problems! So any help ruling those out would be great.

Any support and reassuring words help, three weeks of being in this anxiety hole really does take it out of you!