View Full Version : Chest pain

28-09-18, 11:25
this morning I picked my cat up and had shooting pain under my left armpit/side of chest that went as I moved. Now I'm sat here and feel it mildly when I breathe in deeply. I'm scared of pulmonary embolism or heart attack and I'm home alone.

28-09-18, 12:59
Pulled muscle I expect! Please get some help regarding your HA, you are going to be a mother soon :)

28-09-18, 14:23
Your probably strained a muscle around your ribs. You're very pregnant, it's easy to pull muscles.

28-09-18, 14:36
Helen seriously stop this

You have posted about two life threatning illness within an hour.

You MUST find a way to deal with these silly worries without resorting to posting them on here.

This is not helping you