View Full Version : Can panic causing feinting?

28-09-18, 11:27
A day or so ago, I posted a comment regarding the free on-line CBT course that 'Nomorepanic' has kindly provided for us sufferers. I expressed a feeling of being greatly impressed with the way in which the course has been presented, and this is still my personal feeling,and very much so, as I continue to proceed through the rest of the work sheets etc.

However, I just have one nagging thought, and this may be of interest to one or two others out there, and that is whether the statement which had been made during worksheet No 2. that 'although one might feel as though one is going to feint during a panic attack, this will not actually happen'.

I personally would have to question this statement, for on 4 separate occasions, I have literally lost all feeling of control. On two of these occasions I literally fell flat-out on to the floor, one in a hotel bedroom, and once at home. On another occasion, whilst on a coach trip, when I had begun to feel panicky about being dropped off at some town centre and left for hours to walk around the town, I simply lost all feeling in my body, and just slumped forward in my seat, and was just held in by the seat belt, ending up slumped forward in the seat, my wife greatly frightened as to what was happening to me. And on a fourth time, whist on another coach holiday, and whilst walking through a main street, arm in arm with my wife this time, suddenly my whole body just lost all feeling of energy, causing me to begin to fall down towards the pavement, stopped only by my wife struggling bravely to hold on to me and to stop me reaching the gutter.

Yes, on each occasion I recovered quickly, and felt perfectly fine afterwards, once solutions had been found to stop my panic attack, decisions such as 'cancel a flight' - 'cancel an intended coach trip' - 'cancel a trip to France' - and on three occasions ask the driver of coaches to let me remain on the coach rather than be dropped off and left to wonder about some shopping arcades etc. all causes of panic for me.

Now I realize, that for most of you out there all this detail will be quite irrelevant, and I am pleased that that will be so, but I post it anyway, just in-case there is another who has experience anything like what I describe. And for them not to be put off from trying the CBT on-line, which is so very well laid out, with clear lines to follow.

And a footnote, I took my concerns to me GP who told me she knew of no other reason for these occurrences. Pip

28-09-18, 16:08
Most people refer to the panic state as 'flight or fight', but there is another state called 'freeze'. I don't know if you've seen the videos, but there is a breed of goat that will just fall over and freeze when scared, and this is present in humans as well, it's just rarer. It's also possible to feint during a panic attack, you see this represented in film and TV a lot, but again it's quite rare. For most people this just never happens.

The thing to remember is that it's not dangerous at all. It's not indicative of any kind of serious problem.

I would caution against avoiding situations that cause this kind of panic (you're probably addressing this in the CBT course) as you will find that your life will just become more and more confined if you do so.

28-09-18, 16:17
It is very rare to faint and usually cause by something that contributes like low blood pressure. I personally have never fainted during a panic attack.

30-09-18, 20:07
Fainting happens when there is a reduced amount of oxygenated blood to the brain. During a panic attack your heart races, this means it is pumping blood round your bloody very quickly to keep oxygenated blood flowing to all your vital organs.

So short answer is no, a panic attack cannot make you faint.

However, I have nearly fainted during a panic attack or at least felt as though I would. This might be down to the fact that heightened states of anxiety can cause your body to use up blood sugar too quickly. So the faint feeling would more likely be down to low blood sugar.

02-10-18, 21:00
Just a note to say many thanks for all your suggestions and comments, a few things there for me to consider. Pip