View Full Version : Numbness and Tingling/Nerve Condution and EMG

28-09-18, 16:57
So, I have been making a concerted effort to avoid google at all cost and I have been pretty successful thus far. Instead, my plan is to use this board as a support mechanism.

I have had ongoing numbness and tingling in both hands, both arms, both feet and across my chest for the last couple months. It would come and go throughout the day. Not to mention, I have had low back and hip pain as well. The last symptom that has popped up is a tremor in both hands. I also have some cramping in my hands (especially when I am writing) and feet. Not everyday but it does occur.

I had a nerve conduction study and EMG test this morning. The nerve conduction portion was fine and normal. The EMG test of my arms and hands were normal as well. He did notice a spot on my foot that showed something, but he said it was not indicative of anything specific to formulate any diagnosis. In addition, he saw twitching in my calves which has been there for the last 5 years. He said generally that is considered benign and wasn't too concerned. He sent me for a blood test to check my vitamin levels and for PT. Asked that I follow up with him in 4-6 weeks.

I am trying to tell myself that if he found anything really indicative of a major issue he would send me for additional testing. He didn't even think I warranted an MRI at this point. However, our "anxious brains" jumps to the "what if" mentality and always thinks the worst.

Anyone with similar symptoms, issues, test results that can offer words of comfort?

Thank you for the ongoing support.

28-09-18, 21:00
I think most of the symptoms you describe are "benign" in the absence of other worrisome neurological symptoms like loss of bladder control or balance/coordination etc.

I think you should take a deep breath and draw a line under this. I would also bet that your symptoms subside as a result.

29-09-18, 00:35
Thank you for the reply.

I have had balance issues for years, but I chalk that up to my long-term vertigo. I need to get better at talking a deep breath because, like all of us, I feel a symptom and my mind starts to spiral.

Tonight, I was feeling more numbness in my hands and then I start to get the sensation that my throat is closing shut and I constantly have to clear phlegm.

The constant cycle is annoying to say the least.