View Full Version : Is the bronchitis coming back?

21-08-07, 19:48
I started with a dry tickly cough about 4-5 weeks ago, after 2 weeks I went to the dr after I got back from Ireland and was told I had bronchitis, i had 5 days of antibiotics, strong ones aswell and I felt abit better a few days after stopping them. I still felt a little unwell at times last week but id say I was feeling much better this weekendhttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/smile.gif

My cough isn't chesty now, im not coughing up stuff its more gunk in my throat when I cough that I can feel moving (sorry). Tonight though I am very wheezy when I cough and my chest feels tight, im coughing a little bit of stuff but it seems to be from my throat. It feels sort of like how it was when I first started with bronchitis, ive not had the wheezy at night feeling for about a week or so.

I thought I was over it now and just had a slight cough to deal with. Is this normal or should I see my GP again? I am worried its coming back just when I thought I was over it and im worrying i might get pneumonia:blush: sick of going to the dr, i get dirty looks from the receptionists, its embaressing:weep: