View Full Version : Convinced I have Lymphoma

18-12-17, 00:36
I had my work xmas doo last night and I had a few drinks, maybe a few too many, I woke up and and noticed a slight pain just below ribs when I push in, I sometimes think I can feel a lump but cannot be sure. I done the worse thing I could of and googled and it bought up Lymphoma straight away and how drinking alcohol can make lymph nodes painful. Does this sound like a symptom?

Chris 614
18-12-17, 06:49
I don't know much about lymph nodes, but I do know about aches and pains. Were you laughing a lot last night? Did you do goofy things when you were drinking? No offense, but sometimes people get a little silly when drinking. Is there pain when you don't push there? I ask because I've gotten pains in that area and it's always be muscular. If you moved your body in a strange way it can tweek a muscle. I'll bet it goes away in a day or two.

And, if you Google about a lump, the results will never be good!!

18-12-17, 07:10
I would put my money on something like a sprain/strain from whatever you were doing last night or how you have slept.

I've got one myself on my left side right now. I've had many of them over the years. They have always been pulled muscles. Those small muscles around the ribs really let you know when you pull them and they can hurt when you breath. I've also had trapped ones too and those aren't pleasant until they pop back out from between your ribs.

And since this was a works Christmas do I would normally add the possibility of some work related adult fun :winks: into the mix but I seem to recall you are in a relationship.

18-12-17, 16:47
Thanks for the reply guys, haha yes there Xmas dos can get out of hand :whistles: I woke up this morning and felt calmer and had another feel and it feels more the actual rib that hurts when pushed and seems to go round to the side of my body, I also thought I could feel a lump on the side just below the ribs which has set my HA off again! but am hoping it is muscle I am feeling

---------- Post added at 16:47 ---------- Previous post was at 15:09 ----------

Ok so I have just thought what it could be and it does make sense, yesterday I layed on the floor with my dog but before I got up I done 5-6 press ups but not normal ones everytime I pushed up I pushed my body off of the floor so and landed in the same position (Dont ask me why :blush: ) BUT I still feel I can feel a lump where it hurts but if this is where I have pulled/strained a muscle could it be felt more/bigger if it is injured?


18-12-17, 16:57
Plyometrics are more advanced exercise routines and can cause more muscle strain through the explosive element of them. That's why people do them, to build power.

So, it could be that. And form is everything with power/muscle building work or injury is likely.

18-12-17, 17:04
Thanks Terry!

Not sure why I did not think of this earlier instead of working myself up into a frenzy, also it hurts at the front of my rib a bit where this is no 'lump' I can feel so I could of injured myself in two places. Feel alot calmer now, will just see how it goes over the next few days :yesyes:

18-12-17, 17:41
You feel a lump ONLY after drinking but not other times? If it was a lymph node you would feel it all the time I guess; not just after drinking. But maybe you should stop drinking, or at least reduce your alcohol drinking and you would feel better?

BTW; I also get that feeling and it is quite frightening.

18-12-17, 19:12
I use to drink alot, every weekend I was out on a binge with the lads but this year I cut down hugely, only go out now once twice every couple of months and limit myself what I drink and this year I have never felt better, it has just been the last few weeks my HA has been slowly creeping back up! :doh:

20-12-17, 15:51
So my HA beat me and I caved in and went to the doctors, feel rather annoyed as it is the 1st time this year i have been to docs due HA! but anyway he said what I was feeling was called a 'floating rib', has anyone else had or know anything about these?

20-12-17, 22:34
Yep, floating ribs are the ribs that don’t connect to the breastbone. If you look at a diagram of the ribs, you’ll see them at the bottom of the rib cage. I’ve been down the HA path too when I “discovered” my floating ribs. One of mine sticks out much more than the other side, I guess because I have scoliosis.

23-12-17, 18:16
So I just had a beer at my aunts house, I was worried before the first sip incase of lymph node pain due to drinking. I had a sip and felt the front of my rib where it had been hurting last week (not the side where I have the floating rib) and it felt sore. Could one sip really cause a lymphoma lymph node to hurt so quickly? Do we have lymph nodes in front/on the front of the ribs?

29-09-18, 01:11
Been struggling the last couple of days with HA, seems like it is at its worse its ever been for some reason.

I have had a lymph node in my groin that has come up 3 times since June and gone back down, it has been very sore and tender, About 3 weeks I got ill with body ache etc. Not sure if the gland came up at the same time as when I was ill. But the last couple of days I have started to feel ill again, body aches, sore throat, and my gland came up but when down after a day (I also have a anal cut which I thought was bringing it up). I dont feel as bad now and seems to be going but I was googling lymphoma and found some other symptoms, one person had something called 'Pel-Ebstein Fever', its very rare but you get bad fevers and lumps come up and down over a 1-2 week period for several months, another person had a sorethroat which I have even thought it is getting better and today I noticed I had bleeding gums when brushing teeth so I goggled it and some doctor said it can be a symptom I have also had a chesty cough and cough is nother symptom. I have no weight loss, itchy skin, night sweats or node getting bigger which is good but cant stop worrying about other symptoms.

All this has set my HA sky high and cant relax and convinced myself I have it.

29-09-18, 02:11
“I was googling lymphoma”

Mistake #1

29-09-18, 13:05
“I was googling lymphoma”

Mistake #1

Yep I've been on these boards long enough to know! I woke up his morning not even worried but then the HA kicked in and I remember I went out for a night out last Saturday and Sunday woke up with bit of an earache so I Googled it and someone said it could be a lymph node in the air affected by lymphoma cause by alcohol

29-09-18, 18:03

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

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30-09-18, 02:04
Yep I've been on these boards long enough to know! I woke up his morning not even worried but then the HA kicked in and I remember I went out for a night out last Saturday and Sunday woke up with bit of an earache so I Googled it and someone said it could be a lymph node in the air affected by lymphoma cause by alcohol

But what are the odds of that? This sounds very much like a list of potential known causes where they slide from common to 1 person they found in the history of the human race :winks:

You Googled lymphoma. By doing that you skewed everything towards your fear. You ruled out many potential benign reasons for your symptoms. So, all Google is going to do is look for what you are asking it to show, just the same as if you Googled a red car you would expect results for red cars and not blue ones.

04-10-18, 00:51
Thanks for the reply Terry!

Sorry for the slow reply tried to stay away from the boards while my HA was bad!

I feel a lot better now and all my 'symptoms' have gone so I know it was all down to anxiety, I should know this by now! :doh: