View Full Version : Same old heart attack anxiety

29-09-18, 12:28
Hi all,

I have a recurring problem with heart attack related health anxiety. I’ve read through so many threads on here dealing with the same thing and while it certainly helps to know I’m not alone, I find myself unable to shake it this time. My panic attacks are getting pretty serious this time around too.

I’m 31, in good health, slightly overweight but have lost quite a bit over the past couple years so doing better in that area. I don’t smoke, I only have about one or two alcoholic beverages per week, generally doing alright. But I’m terrified of heart attacks and it’s frustsating me so much right now.

Every time I feel like my mind gets quiet, it’s like I notice every twinge in my body. And before I can tell myself not to worry about it, I am already panicking.

Today, after two days of off and on panic attacks, my left arm feels like the muscle is sore and that’s contributing a lot to my panic. Could that be related to my anxiety itself? I tense up my muscles very badly when I’m panicking, so trying to tell myself the sore arm is probably from that.

Thanks for listening and any feedback. Just sort of needed to vent about this!

29-09-18, 12:45

Looking back at your posts you had this worry in Feb 2017 and nothing has happened since then and it very unlikely to.


Have you had any help with the anxiety or could you get some?

29-09-18, 12:47
You are so right. I’d entirely forgotten about making that post before, thank you for pointing it out.

I do see a therapist, not currently taking meds for my anxiety however. Thankfully I do have an appointment with the therapist coming up.

29-09-18, 12:54
I find it helps to look back at previous posts I have done and it reminds me sometimes of things I had forgotten about. It may help to reassure you as well.

I hope the therapist can help you.

29-09-18, 13:18
It is very reassuring actually, thank you again for that. It’s a good tactic I’ll have to remember for the future as well.