View Full Version : Diarrhea on holiday - Need help ASAP! (Please)

29-09-18, 14:28
Hi, I'm really panicking right now. I've come to Italy with a friend and we've taken 2 metro trains to get to the Colloseum area and I've developed really bad diarrhea. I don't know what to do. I feel so trapped. I've taken some Imodium but I'm worried it won't work. Or that I've got food poisoning or something. I have to fly home tomorrow too :(

I don't know how to get back to the apartment :( There are no toilets on the Metro trains!

Has this happened to anyone else before? What did you do? Thanks

29-09-18, 14:44
Something similar happened to me when I went to Mexico on holiday and my mum gave me something to stop me going as I was having the runs the day we were due to fly back. I don't whether I got food poisioning as I am always carefully as possible whilst on holiday.

29-09-18, 15:00
Ah no I'm sorry this is happening I can totally understand why you're panicking. I really can't see any reason why the immodium wouldn't work. Could you get a taxi instead of the metro? Are there any chemists or shops that you could buy incontinence pants as a just in case ? Or if you can get hold of some wet wipes, a bag, spare undies just to get you a little comfort.
Remember that as awful as it is now, it'll pass. You will be ok, people travel with diarrhea a lot.

29-09-18, 15:58
Thanks guys. I waited around the toilet area for a while then seemed ok, so I got the Metro back. I'm at the apartment now! I'll just have to be well prepared tomorrow if I'm still not ok. Thanks

29-09-18, 15:59

Try not to take any more loperamide today - it should hopefully resolve by tomorrow, especially as you don't report any other symptoms.

Should you still have diarrhoea tomorrow, take TWO capsules after the onset of the diarrhoea, followed by ONE capsule after each loose bowel movement. **MAXIMUM EIGHT CAPS IN 24 HOURS**

Other things to try would be:
* Ensure you're drinking plenty of water
* Re-hydration salts (get these from a chemist out there) Lucozade or other sports drinks will suffice.
* When you return to the UK, try to lay off the loperamide. Let your body deal with the symptoms.

If you develop bloody diarrhoea, fever, or other signs which indicate it's worsening, see your Doctor.

I'm confident you'll be fine, however :)

29-09-18, 16:40
Thank you, RadioGaGa (love the name by the way!). I won't take any more today and I'll follow your advice regarding tomorrow too. Hopefully the journey back won't be *too* bad.


29-09-18, 17:16
Bless you, I'm so glad you got back to the apartment ok.
I pray you have a very peaceful journey home
Take care

04-10-18, 14:27
Hi, how are you now you're back in the uk?