View Full Version : Horrendous anxiety and feeling very down

29-09-18, 15:26
Hi, really struggling lately, lost my mum end of may, I was coping ok, but last couple months been coming off the med pregablin, I am also on 100 mg sertraline and 50 mg anisulpride, I haven’t taken any pregablin for over a week, I feel dreadful, but also really do not want to take that drug again! I am also having counselling, which is bringing up issues which are difficult at present to cope with, I have a stressful job and am really struggling to be in work at moment, I have tried cbd with mixed success, as I have varied dose from day to day, which is me taking more if not feeling better, which is not a good plan, it all seems a bit of a mess at the moment, and looking for some advice, opinions in my best way forward, thanks, damian

01-10-18, 20:30
Hi Damian, I can relate a bit in that my mum is in decline with a serious disease and it's just the worst. I'm so sorry for your loss and the anxiety troubles you're having. I don't have any magic advice apart from to do something every day that makes you feel a little bit happier and try and stay connected to people. Do you have the option of going part-time at work?

01-10-18, 21:07
Lyrica/Pregabalin is a drug which has caused a lot of problems in some parts of the UK. It sounds to me as though you've had similar problems with it. It's great to hear you're off it (or coming off it?). Like any drug which exerts its effects in the brain, the withdrawal can be very unpleasant. I trust you are doing this under the supervision of a doctor.

Obviously, keep taking the Amilsupride and Sertraline as prescribed.

Like anything you buy over the counter, including herbal remedies, make sure your Doctor and Pharmacist are aware of it. I can't really comment on CBD oil as I'm not familiar with it, but personally, I wouldn't take it.

Keep on with the talking therapies, but as the other poster said, is there a chance of part time work - or even volunteering? Just to try and get a bit of structure into your life.

Go for a walk as well - when I'm feeling down or anxious,I find walking helps...

I'm sorry I can't really be of any more help...

Good luck :)

02-10-18, 10:42
Thanks for replying, I have been under the doctor coming off the pregablin, I have not taken it for over a week now, I work full time as an engineer, so do not have much free time, I spoke with the doctor yesterday, he has increas d my sertraline dose to 200mg from 100mg, which seems high to me, but I am off this week from work, have a doctors note, one of the problems I am having is during my mums illness which was 3 years, I was on autopilot working and caring for her, but now it is as if loads of negatives emotions have come in since my mums passing, also the therapy is very difficult, going through things which I have kept to myself all my life, you have to face you’re fears, right?, I will keep you updated how I go, thankyou.

31-10-18, 21:11
Hi, update on what’s happening with me, been off pregablin 5 weeks, I took some time off work to have a look what’s going on, the pharmacist wanted to put my sertraline up to 200mg, I thought about this and decided not to, firstly I knocked coffee on head and started drinking green tea, changed my diet to high in fish, and plenty of superfoods, still take cbd but in a more controlled manner, the cbd wax being my go to, I still exercise 2 times a week, I am now on 50 mg sertraline, also my therapy is now helping to understand myself, to be honest I feel a lot happier and in more control of my life! I think a combination of everything has contributed to my wellbeing, I have pure ocd and high sensitivity and this year has been particularly tough with my mum passing too, hopefully I can continue to get stronger:)