View Full Version : One foot colder than the other?

29-09-18, 20:41
I’ve had this issue for a few years. Sometimes my right foot will be noticeably colder than my left foot. Not the sensation of feeling cold but actually cold. I could touch it with my hands and feel coldness and even put it on top of my left foot and feel coldness.

I’ve googled and of course there’s a lot of things that could cause it like circulation problems, diabetes, etc.

I had a bilateral ultrasound back in mid July and nothing was found thankfully. But last night I was really bothered because I was in bed for most of the day yesterday due to bad sleep and I took my socks off and my right foot was cold. This morning it was warm and fine but I’m still worried.

I’m debating if I should see a doctor today just to make sure. I’ve been sedentary lately and don’t workout anymore but I try moving around the house as much as I can.

Has anyone had an issue like this before?

30-09-18, 01:29
I have this. I have to put two socks and a slipper on my right foot and maybe just a slipper on my left only in the winter though. I think it is due to an issue with my back, maybe a nerve thing or something. I also have Raynaud's syndrome where my hands and feet turn bluish when I am cold but even that isn't dangerous. It really is painfully cold but I don't think it is dangerous. I also used a heating pad on that foot in the winter to help. I have had it for years and it hasn't killed me yet so I guess its ok.
