View Full Version : Flu like symptoms after anxiety attack?

29-09-18, 21:24
Last Sunday I had what I can only describe as an anxiety attack. My husband and I went to a baptism party and being in large crowds with many people gives me some uneasiness. I do suffer from anxiety and I feel like I've experienced a slight attack before. I suddenly felt hot, my cheeks got red, sweaty palms, dry mouth, rapid heart beat. I lied down to calm down which eventually helped. I felt rundown after, almost slightly depressed.

The whole week after up until today I've been experiencing body aches, slight throat pain, slight hip pain, and stomach issues. I thought I was getting sick the first few days but it would go away and come the next day in mid afternoon, after eating and having coffee. I felt this way a year ago and it passed and I believe it was after some type of anxiety.

It's freaking me out. Has anyone experienced feeling this way after anxiety?

30-09-18, 09:01
Hiya, yes I have felt this way countless times after a bad panic attack. It's because all the adrenaline really pushes your system and makes your body work hard, so afterward you do feel tired, unwell etc. for a while.

01-10-18, 01:18
Hiya, yes I have felt this way countless times after a bad panic attack. It's because all the adrenaline really pushes your system and makes your body work hard, so afterward you do feel tired, unwell etc. for a while.

Thanks for replying :) I've been feeling pretty shitty the past week.My whole body feels completely out of wack and it seems to have triggered IBS issues too. This sucks.