View Full Version : Anxiety Sufferers Please Read!!!

21-08-07, 20:02
I have decided that I would like to write a post onto every anxiety/panic forum that I can find in the hope that I may be able to offer any help or support to anybody who may benefit from reading this. Before I begin I would like to point out that I have suffered the gut wrenching anxiety and terrifying panic attacks first hand and 100% fully understand what you are going through and would like to assure you that I no longer suffer. As human beings none of us are too dissimilar and so if I can get through the anxiety ordeal then so can you. The reason that I had this whole experience will possibly different to yours but I see no reason why my road to recovery would not be the same as yours. I would also like to say (and theres a good chance that you wont believe this at this stage) that despite the anxious era of my life being without doubt the most difficult time of my life it is now apparent that it has been the most rewarding. I can say with the upmost confidence that my state of mind and my outlook on life is far better now than it has ever been and that with every day that passes I am happy that I had this life changing experience. I spent so long wishing I wasn’t anxious and that things were different and now I am so glad that my life took the unexpected turn that it did. I just sincerely hope that this proves useful to you, if not then I am sorry to have added such a massive post to the forum! If this is useful or may be for someone you know then please do print and pass on or post elsewhere or give to anyone to whom this may be beneficial.

In early 2006 I was sat watching a film with my partner on a Saturday night as relaxed as ever when without warning I couldn't breath in properly. I went into another room to catch my breath and the more I couldn't breathe the worse it got and in turn the more frightened I became. I eventually bit the bullet and told my girlfriend that something major was happening and that I couldnt breathe. To cut a long part of the story short (and a part i'm sure your well aware of) I had a full blown panic attack. To the extent that I was curled in a ball with every muscle completely flexed rock solid, jaw chattering my teeth together, heart pounding stomach doing somersaults, throwing up, the works. It was horrendous, total depersonalisation, certain I’d lost it and with the telephone doctor telling me I need to calm down! There was no chance of that! Needless to say I was at the hospital the next day where they told me I was anxious, the next day the doctors where I was told the same then following day another doctor told the same. I went on sick leave from work and was in a terrible terrible state. Within 3 days I had 5/6 major, major panic attacks. I was given beta blockers (prescription drugs) which certainly made things worse and leaflets and information that I thought couldn't possibly be talking about what I was experiencing. The first decision I made and one which I urge you to do as well was that I decided that I did not want to take medication for this. At the time I did not understand the importance of this, I do now... avoid the anti anxiety drugs!! They just keep you within the cycle of worry that you are trapped in. Just to add a general overview the following year was filled, filled with anxiety, I had butterflies in my stomach constantly which fluctuated in severity from a constant uneasy feeling to borderline panic breakdown, if not a total panic attack. I would like to stress that during this whole time I felt anxious ALL the time, I just forced myself to function regardless. I am happy to say that I am now free of this problem and only feel anxious on very rare occasion and generally in situations where anxiety would be expected (such as a presentation or something).

I truly wish I had an answer that would help you like clicking your finger I really, really do but unfortunately I don’t, there isn’t one. All I can do is tell you what helped me safe in the knowledge that I am in a better place than I ever was. It took months and months of work before I started to feel better but I stuck at it despite the struggle and hopefully this may help you to do the same.

As I said previously I strongly disagree with the drugs, masking the symptoms may help but the ONLY cure is found within. Facing your fear dead on whilst searching your heart and mind for the real cause is essential to recovery, masking the symptoms is not. If the drugs worked you wouldn’t be reading this. I don’t want to have any negative effects on anyone so check with your doctor before stopping any medication but in my opinion if I had taken the drugs then I wouldn’t have reached the place I am at now. I am certain of this. The only drugs I used for a short period of a few months were the herbal st. john wort. Its hard to say whether these helped as I started taking them when I was feeling well most of the time when I stopped I still felt the same and since stopping taking them I have gone from strength to strength. I don’t put any part of my recovery to st johns wort but if you think you need something then why not try something natural (check with a doctor)
Relaxation techniques are worth being aware of, breathing techniques are good for keeping you calm when you think you are getting jittery. I would also strongly advise spending 20 mins to half an hour trying to sit in silence and think about nothing at all. Thinking about nothing is difficult especially when you are anxious so it takes practice. (I just did this in bed before I fell to sleep). Again relaxing wont cure you, it just may help with the symptoms.

I read everything I could find about our shared condition on the internet, I’m talking about hours and hours of reading, I’ll admit that a lot is duplicated info but every now and then you read something which feels particularly pertinent to you and you subconsciously add it to your arsenal of anxiety defence weapons. As a rule I am 100% dead against sites that claim to cure you in half an hour or an hour, or cd’s and dvd’s that guarantee success. Obviously I never tried all of these miraculous promises but for my research I had a rule of ignoring anything with a price attached. A lot of people seem to prey on desperate people to make money. Forums etc can be particularly useful. The main things to read about and to make yourself fully aware of is as much information as you can regarding CBT cognitive Behavioural Therapy. I had no counselling and used these techniques that I read about on myself. I would attribute my success almost completely to cognitive behavioural therapy. I do not intend to explain exactly what I learned in my research because I think it is more beneficial for you to do this research yourself. If I’d read about cbt (or any of my research) all at once from one place at once I think it would not have been as relevant. Your reading and research needs to be related to you and your experience and you have to put the time in. read everything and rest assured that everything I read was from the internet so its all still there for you to read. Trust me, learn all about cbt, it is the key that opens the door that the cause and solution to your problem is locked behind, it really is. Your research will teach you two main areas which I will give a brief overview of. 1) You will become aware of your thoughts and just how frequently you think negative things. I actually kept a written log of this but you will come across this with CBT techniques. It may shock you when you monitor your thoughts just how negative a person you are. CBT also teaches you the single most important point of all WHAT YOU THINK IS WHAT YOU FEEL. Your thoughts create your feelings nothing else does. 2) You will also seek and try to understand the reasons that you think so negatively and face these reasons head on. I have my reasons. You will have yours. I don’t want to say anymore on this, You need to find this out for yourself!

The last point I will make is that no matter what, you stick with it and believe you can get better. I had an occasion when I was monitoring my thoughts and keeping a log and feeling better and I had a panic attack for no reason at all. I was devastated. Next day I got back to monitoring my thoughts and replacing negative with positives and it gets easier in time. Keep at it! Reply to every negative thought you have with a positive whether you truly believe it or not. In time the positive thoughts come before the negatives and you therefore feel positive more than negative and the anxiety drifts away over time. Just try to believe me.

I truly apologise for the length of this post if you have not found it useful. I just feel like writing this has been the final point of my recovery. I feel better and I want others to as well. I cannot emphasise enough how much I hope that some if not all of this is useful to even one person out there. Don’t feel bad for how you feel just get focused on feeling better. Don’t hide from your problems and don’t worry about having an issue with anxiety, so many of us have. Just take some time and treat this as a challenge that will change your life. I guarantee (without claiming to fix you in an hour or requiring any of your money) that all you need to fix yourself is in you right now just focus on learning how find it.
I hope you don’t think that I am preaching I just hope that my experience may help someone out there. I wish you good luck but you really don’t need it!!
whatyouthinkiswhatyoufeel@hotmail.co.uk (whatyouthinkiswhatyoufeel@hotmail.co.uk)

21-08-07, 22:18
:) Hi Wytiwyf :)

Not preaching - just sharing! ( & I couldn't agree with the sentiments of your post more!)

The medication free approach is a controversial one as a lot of people find it gives them the headspace they need to start sorting their own minds out in the way you're talking about & I respect that. But for me, medication is definitely a false economy!

I'm so glad you you were able to find your own path & that your suffering has inspired you in the same way mine has. Go forth & do great things with your new found wisdom! Oh wait..... you already did ! Hope I can emulate that in my own way, thanks for passing through!
Take care, CarpeDiem

21-08-07, 23:06
Thanks for the great post and welcome to the site!xx

22-08-07, 17:31
Well what a read.
I am at the moment in CBT..... it is helping a great deal. Lots of homework and things to deal with but am getting there.
Well done on your road to normality.

09-04-10, 13:05
Thanks for the great post, really filled me with hope. :)

09-04-10, 14:08
what an inspiring post....you make some really great points

I think a lot of us understand that we are the key to our own recovery....ive suffered anxiety since my twenties and i have only just started to realise that the problem is me and nothing else, been anxious is now the norm for me as i have trained my brain to behave this way....i always had an excuse for the way i was feeling and blamed everything and anthing i could......it takes a lot to realise that your thoughts are powerful things and that they can make you feel physically and mentally worn out..its much easier to think in a negative way and to convince your self that this must be much more than just your mind playing games with you and that they have in fact had you bluffed....

I had to take the medication free route as i cant tolerate them and i react badly to them....i understand that they help people a great deal but for me it wasnt an option......it was a case of lots of reading and trying to learn and understand about anxiety.Its been such an uphill struggle and at times ive felt so hopeless...no amount of positive thinking can help you when you feel so dreadful and are convinced you are about to die......but ive persevered and carried on and can say it does get easier it just takes a great deal of patience and acceptance of the things that im feeling.Ive still got a long way to go to truly get over this.. but i am realising that my thought pattern is changing.I still suffer from HA and worry over silly aches and pains...but i also now realise i have no control over any illness or dieseas that i may get....i need to focus on taking good care of my health to the best of my ability and do the best i can to stay healthy that is all i can do.....whats the point of worrying over things that i cant control.....


30-04-10, 04:26
One of my millions of fear, is that a plane will land on my house so every time I hear a plane, I tense up and stare out of the window. But I heard a plane whilst reading this, nearly tensed up, but thought "They're probably off for a nice holiday and bloody left me here!".

I can tell this post already, will have a great impact on my recorvery! Thank you so much!

30-04-10, 17:12

Like the others that have responded I have another means of hope to get through this dreadfull mindset. I have read a few post on this web site about the CBT and really didn't put any thought or interest into it until now!! I also believed for the last twenty years that I could get over this without the drugs, fortunately I hope I just started Citalopram 3 weeks ago I felt I had no choice my anxiety and depression was at such a high level that I could no longer function daily, missing work, couldn't smile, crying most days just crazyness. I am just starting to feel slight relief. I do feel that this is a short term fix though that it is simply a relief mechanism which I desperately need. Though I am all ready fearful of how I will be if and when I take myself off the meds. Sounds to me this is what I need to perfect CBT!

My question to you is will I still be able to get on the CBT program while on these meds and evetually wein myself off if and when I get to the proper postitive mind set????

PLease respond!!

And thanks again for taking the time for your EXCELLENT post.


30-04-10, 17:33
Also Paul,

Would you have any good recommendations on specific web sites?

Thanks Again


30-04-10, 20:22
Very inspiring, and I am a firm believer in Claire Weekes, but I have agoraphobia and dont see how I can ever get better :( I had CBT years ago and they gave up on me because it didnt work :( I think I truly am a lost cause !

30-04-10, 22:13
Hi Ron
I started taking Citalopram a year ago when my anxiety was out of control, I was off work & had become a hermit, terrified to leave my house or of any visitors. Like you I had the same worries. I thought it would block out all my worries & that when I came off them they would all return.

I've been having trauma focused therapy for 15mths & can honestly say I don't think I would have got through it without out Cit supporting me. Therapy has turned off my inner chatterbox & has helped me to understand my anxiety, I'm back at work & functioning again.

I do wonder how I'll be when I come off them but know that if I take my gp's advice & don't stop taking them too early, she advises I take them until I have 6mths of no anxiety, I've got a good chance of managing my anxiety without them in the future.

Citalopram can take up to 8wks to give full benefit, hang on in there, things will get better. Taking meds is not a short term fix if combined with therapy, be it cbt or talking.
Take care

02-05-10, 19:22
Thanks Annette for responding.

Another rough morning here. I took my wifes advise and went for long walk and came back feelking a bit better all though we had the dreadful talk about whether this is the right choice for me to go on the 20mg's of cit. Neither one of us have ever taken meds before and are both somewhat against it though I felt I had no choice I was dying of anxiety and depr. I wonder if after 24 days if I should be dropping into my GP and asking to up the dosage. I'm only at 20mg's. Does anybode out there think it's time from your experience or still premature. I know we all would react to this stuff differently. Just feeeling a bit desperate.


02-05-10, 20:07
Hi Ron

My opinion (for what it's worth!:winks:) is that it's still early days for your dosage to be raised.

If I can try and put your mind at rest a little regarding the choice to take medication..
I am also on Citalopram 20mg and have been for just over 6 weeks. I was prescribed it for depression although I have had panic attacks, anxiety and agoraphobia for over 20 years.
I refused to even contemplate taking a medication for anxiety but the depression I had this time was something else..extremely bad and luckily I managed to realise it in time.

I can only speak from my own experience but I did not expect the medication to make me feel instantly better but I also knew that it was the end of the line..I could not go on any longer in the disturbed frame of mind I had.

In a way it was almost a relief to go to the doc and say that I wasn't coping and it was a step that I never thought I would take.

I did feel heightened anxiety at first and was reassured here that it would pass and it did. I also made sure that I took some personal steps to rectify my situation rather than relying solely on the Cit to make me better.

Although it went against everything I believed in (stubborn as hell!) I gave up caffeine, l tried to find something to do that would mean I had to pull myself away from inward thinking..I chose knitting. Lets just say its a work in progress.:D
I also read, do all the stuff that I thought made no difference at all such as bubbly baths etc and I feel better than I have in years.

I didnt know that Cit was for anxiety but am sure it has helped lift my depression along with what I have been doing to help myself.

Give yourself a little more time if you can, also see if there is anything you can do to change the way you have been dealing with things so far..come at your anxiety from a different angle and see if that helps.

I wish you all the luck in the world, don't give up on yourself and feel free to PM me if you want. :flowers:

02-05-10, 21:11
So interested in these posts as I too have been prescribed citalopram 20mgs after reluctantly accepting the help I have obviously needed for a long time. but have ignored. believing I could do it alone. It's been less than 3 weeks since I started the pills, given for anxiety and panic attacks but I have to say that I am so relieved that I have finally given myself the chance to heal and even just doing that has gone a long way toward me being more positive about the future. I have been so misguided and in some ways very stupid leaving it so long. I know it takes a while for the cit to kick in and am being patient, I was so unhappy, so afraid, and becoming someone I no longer recognised. Just knowing I am now being helped and in turn helping myself has put a new perspective on things. Yes...I have a long road ahead, and no doubt the path will have its ups and downs but I feel there is a happier future ahead than the one I have been envisioning this last year. Thanks to posts such as yours my resolve is strengthened by the moral support and the knowledge that others can understand the problems we are going through. Thank you all :)

02-05-10, 21:26
i too suffer from panic attacks and depression triggered by the new panic, but all i can say is thank god for the propananol the doc gave me, also on seltraline that i have just started i have moments of hope and then very dark moments praying for change soon, I'm wondering if the meds is giving me insomnia as i wake up like a bullet which then sets me off and now i dread going to bed as the mornings are very lonely,does anyone take these meds as well if so do you take any herbal sleeping meds that can be taken with these. thanks all for reading and I'm trying too keep the faith.