View Full Version : Visual echoes / palinopsia

30-09-18, 09:53
I've been having what I think of as visual "echoes" for a few months now. I call it palinopsia but I'm not for sure if that's what it is. It occurs in high contrast, light on dark situations. I will move my hand, for example, across my vision and floating after it will be a fuzzy echo of that edge of my hand playing catch up. It's almost like ghosting but it follows the object's path like a motion trail instead of moving synchronously. It is *very* short lived and happens only when I'm looking past the object in motion or it is in my peripheral, never when I'm tracking or looking directly at it

I've had anxiety and panic disorder for years. When I saw an ophthalmologist recently for an unrelated retinal issue he was so unconcerned he didn't even seem to actually listen to me before blowing it off as a side effect of my meds. I have been on buspirone on and off for almost six years but this symptom is relatively new. I also had serious adverse reasons to several different ssri's at various points over the last few years before spending 6mos on lexapro over a year ago before it began to trigger adverse reactions as well.

My husband thinks I'm seeing what's always been there and I'm just hyper aware bc I was recently started on prism glasses. My mother thinks it's a new migraine symptom manifesting as I approach perimenopause (except it's almost all the time, not just prior to a headache?). I'm rambling a bit now but to get to the point: I know my anxiety has cycled through some truly messed up things in the past, I'm wondering if this is something I can add to the list or should I be legit concerned? Right now I'm just doing my best to "unsee" it :/

30-09-18, 14:04

It's really very difficult to say what, if anything is going on here.

Palinopsia is a side effect of certain medications like antiepileptics and also antidepressants.

Because this symptom is new, I'd run it past your doctor.

Good luck

03-10-18, 02:39
Saw my dr today for my physical and got her to stop and really listen in detail to what I see. She immediately knew what I was talking about (although unfortunately she couldn't remember the name for it, said "something like stars or constellations" and all I could think was oscillopsia? No idea) and that it isn't really palinopsia at all. That it's a normal phenomena but I'm really picking up on it bc I'm hyped from anxiety and my eyes/brain are tired and sensitive from all the vision changes - thus why it's so intermittent and usually worst at the end of the day or during high anxiety.

She said it could be related to migraine, what with ask the vision issues causing headaches (and I do have a history of migraine, usually hormonal but sometimes ocular) but she wasn't willing to put money on it as anything other than an exacerbating factor. She fully expects it will recede as I continue to settle in with these fancy prism glasses and learn to stop seeing it everywhere again.

Not terribly informative, but thought I'd follow up. My current course of action is to carry on trying to keep a handle on my anxiety and do my best to "only look at what I'm looking at"