View Full Version : Cbd oil

30-09-18, 21:13
Hi has anyone tried this CBD oil apparently it’s helpful to reduce your anxiety. Just curious if anyone has tried it thanks.

01-10-18, 08:04
I did, but it seemed to interact with my escitalopram, making me anxious and unable to sleep.

01-10-18, 09:33
I,m on setraline my anxiety is going through the roof st the moment i need something to calm me down.

01-10-18, 17:07
Not going to try this advised by my doctor which makes sense.

02-10-18, 09:21
You could try a benzo for relief when your anxiety is really bad. My doctor gave me lorazepam.

02-10-18, 17:07
Doctor is putting me on venlafaxine starting next wk.

02-10-18, 21:55
Hmmm I've just bought some CBD Oil to try and I'm on Sertraline too. To be honest mine's through the roof lately and just messing with my head so gonna try it and see and if it doesn't help or make it worse I'll stop

02-10-18, 22:06
I used cannabis during my cancer treatment and afterwards and it really helped with pain as well as the chill factor. I've been using CBD oil as well as a CBD salve for the last couple of years and I can honestly say, it really helps with pain and it has the relaxing benefits without the buzz. It's also something I can use during the day if needed.

I would ask your doctor to be sure and you have to be careful because using it, you'll test positive if you get drug tested at work.

Positive thoughts

03-10-18, 07:26
I've just started using cbd oil this week. So far it's a very positive reaction and I'm absolutely delighted!

I can still feel my body resisting and anxiety bubbling, but so far I've been able to remain surprisingly, yet wonderfully calm. So much so that it got me through my job termination yesterday without a panic attack.

03-10-18, 12:02
My doctor says basically no only because you would end up addicted in the long run. Addictive to the calm feeling we all would want. But to be fair i wouldn’t mind trying it maybe someday.