View Full Version : "tension" headache going on 3 weeks

01-10-18, 00:43
It's been 19 days since I had an anxiety attack which resulted in a 24/7 moderate pressure/tension headache. I'm not sure why I panicked. I did only take half of the Effexor XR meds because I couldn't get to the pharmacy in time that day, and a subconscious thought of withdrawal may have caused me to panic. I'd been going through bouts of health anxiety over a separate headache I had some 6 days earlier, a headache caused by Adderall. I was worried it wouldn't end.

It's mostly concentrated on the bottom and the back of the head, and the back of the neck. The tight "head band" feeling across the head happens often enough though, as if it's in a vice. My throat tightens and is sore at times, this is likely a coinciding symptom of anxiety. A lot of pains in the neck, especially the right side. It is constant, no quiescence between switching locations.

Leaning backwards in a couch/chair makes it worse. So there's an odd posture element, keeping my back as straight as possible. Exercise seems to help a bit, cardio only. Alcohol seems like a double-edged sword, it would be interesting to see how I react to caffeine, I've kinda avoided that since it began. Keeping busy is something of a relief.

I'm on Venlafaxine XR 150mg, and gabapentin 300mg a day, magnesium, and B2 for headache prevention.

I see a lot of search result pertaining to anxiety and (tension/migraine-)headaches on this forum. Have any of you had any long ones?

01-10-18, 14:20
Anyone with experience with tension headaches?

01-10-18, 18:17
I just recently got out the other end of one that lasted 3 weeks or so. The doctor put me on Naproxen which helped but it’s now caused gastritis which is inflamed stomach and very painful.

I’ve found that a chiropractor also helped my headaches!

01-10-18, 20:02
Are you taking anything specifically for the headaches? Sometimes a phenomenon called Medication Overuse headaches occur. This is not specific to paracetamol - but can happen with any medication used for headaches.

If you haven't tried taking anything, try some paracetamol (acetaminophen). It doesn't interact with any of your medications, so no worries there.

This is probably just a run of the mill tension headache, and in people like us with anxiety, its a common problem.

Good luck

01-10-18, 22:16
Mine lasts over several weeks too. I know how scary it can be! What calmed me was to write a headache diary and discussed it with my GP, who advised me to go for therapy...sigh...but I felt better. What also helps me is herbal meds, I drink a lot of teas to relax, also something like rescue tables that I take for
days on end to just help me get over tthe worst.
Bottom line is, it can last that long, especially if you stress more about them. Good luck and try to relax

02-10-18, 02:19
Are you taking anything specifically for the headaches? Sometimes a phenomenon called Medication Overuse headaches occur. This is not specific to paracetamol - but can happen with any medication used for headaches.

I'm keeping abortives to an absolute minimum. I got gastric inflammation from too much ibuprofen.

but I felt better. What also helps me is herbal meds, I drink a lot of teas to relax, also something like

I take feverfew, and I drink ginger and chamomile teas.

I'm feeling a bit better today :)

02-10-18, 04:39
Mine literally last for months until I realize that if it was something serious it would have gotten a lot worse by now, so slowly they just disappear. That sounds so silly, lol. But yes, headaches are a universally common problem and every single person gets them, anxiety is known to exacerbate them.