View Full Version : Got a weird one. Weird smell if I sniff when I yawn?

01-10-18, 15:47
This is so specific, but almost like I smell the inside of my nose or bad breath if I take a big sniff when I yawn at the same time

I don't get it regularly. Or even if I just sniff in general. Just sometimes when I yawn. Even if I force a yawn

The other thing is it rarely if ever happens outside, only at home. No other symptoms and I know the bad ones. It doesn't even happen all the time

I'm mostly writing this out to show myself how bad it sounds, because in my head it sounds severe.

01-10-18, 15:54
This made me laugh a bit - sorry!

Yeah I had this until I got my gum disease under control. Me thinks you should see your dentist!

Good luck

01-10-18, 16:10
Yup, look into your oral hygiene and stop overthinking stuff would be my tip here!

01-10-18, 16:48
Well that makes sense!

Just not sure to book a dentist appointment right away now or get some mouthwash for my gums

01-10-18, 19:55
In the meantime, just get some Chlorhexidine mouthwash if its really bothering you. Don't waste your money on Corsodyl mouthwash. The generic Chlorhexidine will suffice. :)

01-10-18, 20:08
As the youngsters used to say...

"Your breath kicks like karate"

01-10-18, 20:36
I thought it was impossible to sniff and yawn at the same time??!

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01-10-18, 20:47
Well yes and no - as you draw breath for the "yawn", air will be pulled in to the nasal cavities, thus resulting in the smell. The mouth and nose are in such close proximity, this is definitely able to happen (and does happen)

01-10-18, 22:18
Tricky to do but sounds as if the explanation could be very logical. Feel better soon and use that Listerine!

02-10-18, 01:48
I thought it was impossible to sniff and yawn at the same time??!

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Sounds like one of those things those martial arts masters tell students to do when getting thumped in a film.

Dental hygiene sounds a likely culprit as mentioned. Any plaque build up on your teeth? That can mean a build up of bad smelling bacteria and removing it will demonstrate how the smell worsens...so a thorough rinsing out needed if you do that.

05-10-18, 08:16
Can I just bump this to say the past few days I've been really brushing thoroughly and using Corsodyl and it's more or less completely gone away! Only slightly there now