View Full Version : White spot in throat... struggling to rationalise

01-10-18, 17:09
Hi guys,

So I’ve been looking at these forums for the past few months now, as I’ve recently come to terms with the fact that I have HA and it has been rapidly spiralling out of control. I tend to fixate on one particular thing and then I’ll move onto the next - some which come and go depending on what symptoms I feel I’m having, however this one seems to be sticking around and I just can’t seem to shake it.

I’ve been having persistent throat problems for the past few months now, and when I check my throat I can see a little bump near each of my tonsils, with a sort of white ‘head’ on it, sort of like a pimple.

I’ve been to the doctors with throat issues before, had a swab a few months ago and they just said I had acute viral pharyngitis and just to rest etc. And whilst I focussed on my partner’s ailments for a while, I forgot about my throat for a few months.

It seems to have returned with a vengeance now though. For the past week I’ve been feeling like my throat is swollen - almost as if it is closing up, I have an uncomfortable click when I swallow and I feel like there is something stuck in there too. I can’t seem to think about anything else - and am concerned that these fleshy bumps with a white head could be something sinister as they’re still there. I’ve heard of spots on the tonsils (had tonsillitis quite a few times when I was younger), but never on the soft palate near the tonsils where mine seem to be now, so I think that’s where I’m struggling to rationalise that it’s just an infection or something minor.

Has anyone had these symptoms before? Could it be something minor and not throat cancer as I keep fearing? All I want to do is get back to the doctors and help them see what I can see, but I’ve been a few times in the past few weeks for different things and I’m feeling like they’re going to get sick of me soon.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far :)

01-10-18, 20:08
When I saw white spot in throat, I immediately though of Streptococcus infection (not as sinister as it sounds ha) but you don't have any other symptoms.

See your GP for this - this can't be diagnosed on here, but it really doesn't sound worrying at all.

Sorry I can't be of more assistance

Clydesdale Epona
01-10-18, 20:37
I'm a suffer of persistent viral and bacterial tonsilitis its probably just that or a simple throat infection. see your GP about it to check as we're not doctors of course haha and it will put your mind at rest, and if its bacterial you can get some antibs for it :)

wishing you all the best :hugs:

01-10-18, 21:39
Thanks guys - really appreciate your replies!

I think you’re right... no point sitting and pondering about it when a GP could put my mind at ease!

02-10-18, 18:22
I'm a suffer of persistent viral and bacterial tonsilitis its probably just that or a simple throat infection. see your GP about it to check as we're not doctors of course haha and it will put your mind at rest, and if its bacterial you can get some antibs for it :)

wishing you all the best :hugs:

Well I’m very pleased I came here and took your advice as my GP took one look in my mouth and prescribed antibiotics - so at least that should clear it all up :)

Of course my HA is saying “I’m sure white spots are only meant to cause infection ON your tonsils and not around your tonsils...” but I’m just trying to ignore that for now and hopefully the spots will disappear soon.

Thanks again for the helpful advice, sometimes it’s hard to know whether you’re wasting a GPs time or actually need some treatment!