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01-10-18, 17:41
Hello to everyone. Sorry in advance for long post. Since Christmas last year I have been having wiered symptoms. It started when I was under some severe stress I'd not eaten for days and been basically in bed for a week feeling anxious and panic. I had something to eat one night my heart started racing and tight chest. It wouldn't settle I went to a and e it was at around 160 bmp blood pressur up. I was straight in resus given heart meds then sent home day after saying anxiety. After that I saw go several times prescribed propanalol. I stayed in bed with fear not eating every time I got up out bed my heart rate would jump to 150 180 beats.I stayed in bed for 3 months in total seeking answers scared to move scared to eat. They eventually sent me to cardiologist had ecg echo 5 day monitor and there still baffled apparently my heart seems healthy just very fast sometimes irregular but ok. I'm at my wits end I lost 4 stone in weight and I'm so tired from it all full of anxiety. Sorry for long post just need some help with all this. My Faith in Jesus keeps me strong just fed up

01-10-18, 20:16

Were you told what your rhythm was - e.g. Sinus Tachycardia, SVT or Atrial Fibrillation? I ask because I note you said your pulse is sometimes irregular.

It's EXCELLENT that your ECG/echo and Holter monitor came back fine. That's VERY reassuring.

Speak to whoever prescribed your beta blocker (cardiologist or GP?) and ask about increasing the dose. Beta blockers, once titrated to fit the patient, are excellent at calming the heart down.

I'm sure this is just anxiety - the heart is very prone to the effects of adrenaline and other hormones released when we're anxious.

Keep us updated, but please rest assured from your tests.