View Full Version : gastritis

01-10-18, 17:48
recently I’ve been taking Naproxen for headaches.

On Friday I started getting bad abdomen pain which turned into nausea and vomiting! It was so painful I was unable to sleep.

I’ve seen two doctors and both seem to think it’s gastritis from taking Naproxen. I’ve been given Lansoprazole to treat it. The first doctor said take that for two weeks and you’ll be fine, the second wants to send me for a endoscopy (privately so will be expensive).

The symptoms are:
Abdomen pain which radiates to back
Feeling is fullness/restriction in stomach area

Does that sound like gastritis? Do you think I should wait before having an endoscopy?

01-10-18, 19:53

I have/had gastritis. It was found incidentally on endoscopy, when looking for a cause of my reflux.

Naproxen and other NSAIDs are well-known to cause problems with the stomach. Thats why, sometimes, they are given in tandem with a PPI like Lansoprazole for gastroprotection.

Most often, gastritis is asymptomatic (as it was with me), whilst in other cases it can cause symptoms similar to what you describe.

You don't say your age (I assume you're 25, as per the 93 on your name) but its EXTREMELY unlikely there will be anything serious wrong.

As for taking Naproxen for headaches - you should look at changing to Co-codamol or even just paracetamol.

Relax, I'm sure you'll be fine.


Go to your Pharmacy and ask for Peptac liquid - this coats the stomach and could help your symptoms. Just don't take swigs of it because it can cause constipation in excess

01-10-18, 20:18
Good answer from RadioGaGa.

Could i ask why your having an endoscopy private? Surely your doctor hasn't offered a referral only if you pay private? I really hope not.

01-10-18, 20:31
Good answer from RadioGaGa.

Could i ask why your having an endoscopy private? Surely your doctor hasn't offered a referral only if you pay private? I really hope not.

Nope, my GP didn’t offer a referral at all.

I went to see a private consultant who offered an endoscopy.

Thanks for the replies :) really helpful so far.

01-10-18, 20:35
I have gastritis too, it’s from an infection / inflammation in my esophagus (I can never spell that).

Taking omeprazole is usually the first step, and if that doesn’t help then endoscopy is usually the next step. Hopefully the omeprazole will clear it up and you will forget all about it. Get well soon!

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02-10-18, 02:53
I had gastritis- I had pain plus the horrible full feeling. Lansoprazole worked for me but it was a few days before it took effect then I needed to take it for 3 months then taper off it gradually

02-10-18, 11:28
Mine has been really bad at night, how do you deal with it at night?

02-10-18, 16:51
Lansoprazole worked 24hours for me

02-10-18, 19:44
I’ve just had my dosage of Lansoprazole increased from 15mg once per day to 30mg twice per day. Hoping that helps!

02-10-18, 23:44
Is your stool dark and tarry? That's another common symptom.

I'd go on a cleanse and cut out caffeine and alcohol for a few days.

This happened to me as well with ibuprofen when I was treating a tension headache.