View Full Version : Back after years away :(

01-10-18, 20:21
Hi all,

I never thought I'd ever post here again. After a horrid breakdown six years ago I'd pretty much got the whole anxiety stuff licked. I still had it but it just didn't bother me. In the past six years I've travelled, got a phd and coped with lots of upheavels like moving house and the breakup of a long term relationship. However, personal events this year have pretty much destroyed all my hard work and progress. My anxiety is back and I'm scared.

Earlier this year my mum was diagnosed with lung cancer. As her only family, I had to give up work, my home, my friends and my life to relocate to my home town and become her full time carer. My home town is hundred of miles away from where I'd settled and lived for 15 years. I spend every day doing nothing but domestic chores, I'm completely isolated and never see anyone apart from my mum. I have no money and I'm facing bankruptcy. But the worst is that I have no prospect of anything changing. My mums disease isn't curable but she could live for years as an invalid. I don't want my mum to die, I love her so much, but I'm not coping and life for me is awful.

I've never felt so low and the services here are terrible. Sorry for the self indulgent rant but I just needed to get it all out.


01-10-18, 21:00

I am dreadfully sorry to hear about your situation. Life can be so unfair at times, and by the sounds of it, you've been dealt a terrible blow.

Firstly, I think your next stop should be to speak to a MacMillan Nurse. I'm based at a Cancer Centre here in the UK, and I know from speaking to patients and carers alike, the advice and help MacMillan Nurses can help is invaluable.

What, if any, package of care does your mother have? Are you having to administer medications?

Although you'll want to be with your mother during this difficult times, you need some "alone time" yourself. Whether it be catching up with friends for a coffee, going for a walk or whatever. But absolutely it is not healthy for you to be so confined.

Here is the MacMillan helpline: 0808 808 0000. They can talk you through a wide range of issues.

Please keep us updated.