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01-10-18, 20:21
I’ve had a sore churning Stomach Saturday it went away and again tonight what would be a cause?

02-10-18, 01:30
Anyone? :blush:

02-10-18, 10:06
I woke up this morning and it went away ten mins later I worried and it came back what could the issue be?

---------- Post added at 10:06 ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 ----------

I Read this on the symptoms page

“Digestive system/Nausea

What you feel:

All parts of the GI muscles contract , decreasing the flow of digestive juices and slow down your metabolism – but it wants to get rid of what is ready to be excreted , now !!. You may need the loo urgently several times, have tummy pains. This can be from gentle butterflies to a severe pain in the pit of the stomach. Often you swallow air leading to feeling very nauseous or having a churny tummy produces gas that needs to be burped up.

You may feel bloated or gaseous, or that there is a lump in your stomach. Sometimes you may feel like you have butterflies in your stomach or that your stomach is tight. Some people refer to it as a ‘heavy’ stomach. Others experience over acidity or persistent nausea. Sometimes even the thought of eating something will make you nauseous.

What causes this:

High stress biology produces extra stomach acid, digestive juices and stomach muscle action or tension in order to quickly digest and eliminate food in the digestive system. This helps to prepare the body for immediate action. When high stress biology is maintained throughout the day, the build up of stomach acid and muscle tension produces an excess of stomach acid which then irritates the stomach and causes indigestion, bloating, diarrhoea, and so on.

Eating smaller more frequent meals will help to reduce this symptom, as well as eating blander non-spicy foods. Using ant-acids, stomach remedies and drinking plenty of water will also help. However, the best remedy is rest, although symptom relief is not immediate.”

Could this be my issue anxiety? Or this? https://www.anxietycentre.com/anxiety-symptoms/stomach-upset.shtml

03-10-18, 19:46
I felt fine all day and it’s come back again..

I feel I may need the toilet and don’t always go right away is this a cause?

Any one help?

22-01-19, 19:21

I’ve had these sore stomachs past few days is it anxiety?

22-01-19, 19:35
anxiety, a bit of a bug or IBS.... could be a number of reasons really. Most likely anxiety or a bit of IBS

22-01-19, 19:52
anxiety, a bit of a bug or IBS.... could be a number of reasons really. Most likely anxiety or a bit of IBS

Agree with venusbluejeans

Stop worrying over this.

Good luck

27-01-19, 21:07
I’ve had this symptom again it’s awful seems to be no reason for it

27-01-19, 23:03
Please be wary of any websites that give you a huge list of symptoms and then offer to cure you of all these "anxiety" symptoms- for a price!!!

27-01-19, 23:11
Churning stomach...typical and very common anxiety symptom. It's nothing, the more you worry about it the worse it gets. Stopping googling would be a good start:)

28-01-19, 01:43
Phil, you've been on this forum longer than many of us here and should know the anxiety MO by now. Anxiety, panic, stress play havoc with stomach and gut.

If you're experiencing bowel issues, see your GP about it. Alternatively, look at your diet and eating habits as there could well be a link there.

Of course, most sensible suggestion is to control your anxiety and stress levels.

08-02-19, 22:20
I seem to get these sore stomachs quite often now they just come on. Not sure if it’s a churning just an annoying pain

Can it be anxiety and why would happen when I don’t feel anxious?

08-02-19, 22:22
anxiety, a bit of a bug or IBS.... could be a number of reasons really. Most likely anxiety or a bit of IBS.

17-02-19, 03:01
I am frustrated by this symptom

Happens once a week usually it happens before meal time and lasts when I’m sleeping and it goes away by the time I get up

I possibly put it down to holding toilet in and not going but I went tonight after I woke
Up and the symptom never went away

17-02-19, 03:51

17-02-19, 08:06
Go to the doctor

It’s Sunday and it’s closed and I go on holiday tomorrow

Came here as I feel a bit anxious and don’t want to over react but not sure what causes constant stomach pains through the night :blush:

---------- Post added at 08:06 ---------- Previous post was at 05:45 ----------

Due to a sleepless night I also have back pain now

17-02-19, 09:39
Is it just pain or do you have an urgency to use the bathroom? Have you been experiencing upset movements along with it?

When I am excited/anxious/looking forward to something I get the most horrific cramps all throughout my digestive system, sometimes they make me need the toilet urgently. Others it just hurts, sometimes all day.

Positive vibes,


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17-02-19, 12:29
Is it just pain or do you have an urgency to use the bathroom? Have you been experiencing upset movements along with it?

When I am excited/anxious/looking forward to something I get the most horrific cramps all throughout my digestive system, sometimes they make me need the toilet urgently. Others it just hurts, sometimes all day.

Positive vibes,


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I had been holding toilet in and I went

I’m very worried about going on holiday tomorrow as I am going on long trains and I had the thought I would go mad? Perhaps this anxiety is creating these physical symptoms? :winks:

17-02-19, 13:15
Perhaps it is, Phil.

17-02-19, 20:23
I had been holding toilet in and I went

I’m very worried about going on holiday tomorrow as I am going on long trains and I had the thought I would go mad? Perhaps this anxiety is creating these physical symptoms? :winks:

I think that’s a pretty good bet Phil


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---------- Post added at 20:23 ---------- Previous post was at 20:23 ----------

Have a lovely holiday though!

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17-02-19, 20:58
I think that’s a pretty good bet Phil


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---------- Post added at 20:23 ---------- Previous post was at 20:23 ----------

Have a lovely holiday though!

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I don’t get how it can make me have this sore stomach for 24 hours it sucks I have not been as bad but still not 100% better.

I got some Andrews salts in case it gets bad during night again :blush:

18-02-19, 07:35
I get a stomach ache when stressed. Sometimes it lasts for days, and then almost when I stop focusing on it, it goes. Enjoy your holiday.

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18-02-19, 09:07
I get a stomach ache when stressed. Sometimes it lasts for days, and then almost when I stop focusing on it, it goes. Enjoy your holiday.

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Yes I woke up this morning and I felt fine it had went by the time I got on train later in the morning it had came back maybe some travel anxiety causing it :blush:

18-02-19, 09:11
Yes I woke up this morning and I felt fine it had went by the time I got on train later in the morning it had came back maybe some travel anxiety causing it :blush:

I would say so! Hope you have a lovely holiday.


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24-02-19, 11:39
Update I went on holiday and the sore stomach lasted a few days and had a few days were it was ok.

It has returned on and off since I got back home but only mild should I worry? What’s causing it?

I have stopped worrying about contamination so perhaps this is my new worry?

24-02-19, 19:58
Well it certainly might have overtaken your contamination fear for now.

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26-02-19, 10:41
How long can a sore stomach last?

Sometimes it goes then comes back but I can’t figure out why I’m worried I mean I have a wedding in 4 months so that doesn’t help things perhaps I will feel bad until all the stress goes? I mean I still worry about the long trains despite me doing them already

26-02-19, 10:47
I always get a bad stomach when I'm stressed. If it's not cripplingly bad, I'd probably put it down to wedding nerves.

01-03-19, 08:44
So past two days I have had toilet problems too

I mean this is two weeks but if you ask what’s on my mind I am very nervous about rsvps coming back for the wedding having just given out invites

I feel nervous like my stomach is knotted. I mean occasionally it settles then I check and think about it I Duno how a physical symptom can last so long im sure it can’t be a bug since it’s been a few weeks.

Anyway I try and relax and tell myself it’s ok and it still doesn’t settle im not sure if need more exercise or meditation?

02-03-19, 01:16
Past few days I’ve had bowel trouble and ivd had diarrhea a few times per day

I don’t understand the stomach pain.

I mean it could be the wedding invite worry that’s what’s on my mind I am very worried and nervous about who is all coming.

My stomach feels knotted and very nervous it’s a wind type pain. I think the worst and worry it’s something awful I mean perhaps it’s my ocd and anxiety but I worry it’s not. The contamination worry is troubling me a bit less so perhaps this is a cause?

02-03-19, 11:47
Anybody? I fear this will never go away

04-03-19, 09:57
I still seem to have this which is making my health anxiety worse I fear it’s somethig awful

Perhaps it’s wedding nerves but I thought it was holiday nerves perhaps this will never go away?

04-03-19, 20:20

In the end I went to the doctors they checked me over quickly seemed fine they said asked if I had any work stress told them about wedding

Just said go back if it gets worse

I have had another rush to the toilet tonight and still my stomach is sore why is this? Are the doctors wrong?

04-03-19, 20:24
Are the doctors wrong?

"Wrong" in what way?

Have you tried OTC med for this? Ranitidine etc?

04-03-19, 20:38
"Wrong" in what way?

Have you tried OTC med for this? Ranitidine etc?

I just worry they have missed something and I could be ill?

No I’ve not tried that will it help?

06-03-19, 15:29
Yes sadly I fear it’s some sort of awful disease or I will have this pain forever. Yes I could try some sort of sore stomach remedy but I worry it’s serious.
I don’t get why anxiety can cause this. I mean I wake up and got 30 mins often I feel fine and the stomach pain comes on I’m not always thinking about the ocd and anxiety it just comes on. Surely if it was anxiety I would be feeling anxious more often?

06-03-19, 15:35
But if you take an antacid and pain goes, then you know it's not serious. Right?

PS My eyesight is good but that font is TINY! :lac:

06-03-19, 19:10
I have tried Ranitidine tonight i can update how it goes if it works I will worry I will be popping oils forever? If it doesn’t work I will worry it’s something worse..anyway I will post an update to let u know if it works

06-03-19, 22:10
Update I took the Ranitidine and still had like some chest and stomach pain can it really be anxiety? I am finding myself getting worked up with it and it’s causing me anxiety. I have had some caffeine drinks today so perhaps that doesn’t help?

How can I find a cure for this? I worry I am dying or something

07-03-19, 00:35
Update I took the Ranitidine and still had like some chest and stomach pain can it really be anxiety? I am finding myself getting worked up with it and it’s causing me anxiety. I have had some caffeine drinks today so perhaps that doesn’t help?

How can I find a cure for this? I worry I am dying or something

You seem to want an instant cure, Phil, and I'm afraid that won't happen. Take the ranitidine for a few more days and report back then. Also, reduce caffeine/fizzy drinks crappage - you know that will do your gut no good :lac:

08-03-19, 10:36
Update I took a Ranitidine yesterday it never worked right away but during the day and night I felt the symptom almost go almost back to normal. Then I went to try sleep and couldn’t sleep as was in pain.

So I felt all panicky and today I took another ranitidine hoping I feel better as the day goes on.

Let me explain the pain stated as a nervous stomach and now it’s moved onto the top above my stomach too. It feels like trapped wind almost like a balloon inside my stomach that needs popping. Has anybody heard of that feeling before can it be anxiety?

08-03-19, 10:57
yes it can 100% be anxiety

09-03-19, 20:57
Today I never had a tablet I got a sleep last night though


The above article sounds like what I have and it mentions bloating feeling not just churning.

So how long can it go on for? Is there a time limit when it may eventually go away?

10-03-19, 19:43
When you start to manage your anxiety your symptoms will get better too.

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10-03-19, 22:07
When you start to manage your anxiety your symptoms will get better too.

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Yep, 100% this. There’s no magic time frame these things can go on for. Sometimes for me it’s when I’ve done whatever it is I needed to get done that caused me stress, even then it’s not instant and I’ll likely have a continuous problem if I don’t take a good time to take care of myself in general and recover.


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15-03-19, 22:15
Most of the time I don’t feel this now

However sometimes I feel a slight sore stomach is it anxiety?

15-03-19, 22:47
it could be anything phil - we have no way of knowing

24-03-19, 23:31
My sore stomach returned today for no reason what could be the cause? Can it be anxiety?

24-03-19, 23:42
could be

24-03-19, 23:43
My sore stomach returned today for no reason what could be the cause? Can it be anxiety?

This thread started in January and you've asked if anxiety could be the cause of the symptoms 9 times. Each time you were told yes. Perhaps a little reading of your own threads is in order?

Positive thoughts

02-04-19, 20:47
I have had this sore stomach on and off. It can suddenly come on mostly in the evening I take some stomach tablets but that’s not helping much. If I sleep and wake up it goes away? Could it be anxiety?

04-04-19, 19:38
Yes I think it probably is anxiety, or anxiety related. Which is proved by it being something that happens on and off, and that it’s usually gone once you relax into sleep.
Try and notice how relaxed your body feels when you wake up, how your muscles are relaxed and not tense. Then as you pile on the anxiety they get more tense & start causing aches & pains.

09-04-19, 01:19
I have had this sore stomach on and off. It can suddenly come on mostly in the evening I take some stomach tablets but that’s not helping much. If I sleep and wake up it goes away? Could it be anxiety?

Just for purposes of illustration. This is from a thread you posted in 2011 with the same title of "Sore Stomach" Please note the identical pattern. There are many, many examples like this in your thread history.

I have a sore stomach is there any cure? It's like turning away I had a date last night and was nervous after it if she would get back in touch and my mum has a bug so I'm worried shes gave me it. Or I had a curry last night and it's went for my bowels..or could it just be anxiety? :blush:

Some will. Some won't........ :shrug:

Positive thoughts

23-01-21, 23:17
The sore stomach has returned tonight. Cant figure out why worried about covid slight sick feeling in my throat could it be anxiety or COVID or worrying due to covid?

23-01-21, 23:24
probably anxiety. watch and see

24-01-21, 00:13
I know for me the first symptom I have when I’m worried or stressing over something is digestive issues. So if your throat feels a little off and your mind goes straight to Covid and you start worrying about that, it’s not unusual that your stomach becomes upset. Stomach and bowels are absolutely directly connected to anxiety!