View Full Version : Pimple or bug bite type thing on breast

01-10-18, 22:56
I’m hoping someone else has something like this. I have a small pimple or bug bite thing I noticed yesterday on the underside of my right breast. I could even see what looked like a pimple head. I tried to pop it but it didn’t really pop. Just peeled a little. I’m 40. If I’m logical it looks nothing like inflammatory breast cancer. It doesn’t itch. It got smaller and less red after I left it alone all night but I linked it again this morning. When I leave ut alone it fades. My husband says it is absolutely pimple or bug bite and if I leave it Alone it will go away. Anyone had similar

01-10-18, 23:30
sounds like cystic acne, nothing big. i get it too. don’t try to pop it!! don’t touch it and leave the area alone. just apply a bit of honey and cover it with a bandage overnight.

01-10-18, 23:33
Only thing is I’m 40 and I’ve never had cystic acne before it def looks less red. I just need to leave it alone but it’s hard

02-10-18, 01:35
yeah, cystic acne has 1000 causes, doesn't matter your age or if you've ever had it before. irritation and sweat can cause it. even an infected hair follicle causes it. again, try the honey. it'll get rid of it overnight.

02-10-18, 01:45
I have moobs so I might qualify for this thread :blush:

You can see it is healing so logically wait and see if it heals. If it does, doesn't that confirm what your husband is saying?

It could be irrational due to position. Anything where skin is rubbing because it's in-between joints or between any folds of skin is prone to this. It could even be from a bra couldn't it?