View Full Version : Are my symptoms caused by anxiety?

02-10-18, 09:27
Hey everyone, i was hoping to could kind of compare my symptoms to others to see if people also get the same symptoms as me thats caused by anxiety?

(bare with me lol feel really ill)

Ok so, all my life iv had anxiety, all the normal symptoms like fear,nausea, panic, trouble standing when anxious, gagging when brushing teeth or even eating, super fast heartbeat, cold hands and feet when anxious etc. I was able to deal with these when i was younger as i got used to it, but then after loads of life problems etc i started getting these dizzy spells out of the blue

The best way i can explain them is like, a burst of lightning through my brain. It's a quick 2-3 second swoosh through my brain/vision were i lose myself for a few seconds and then its gone. Sometimes il feel ok after and others it will drain me, but i also feel that panic and worry after as its quite scary. also a few times iv had full on vertigo where the whole room spins round and round for hours.

Also sometimes i get an energy feeling, that climbs from the bottom of my brain to the top :wacko:

When all this started i had really bad anxiety, and more symptoms followed like extreme fatigue, im so tired i cant sit up straight for long without nearly passing out, i actually feel better moving then being still.

iv had so many tests done as well, blood tests, MRI, hearing tests, vestibular assessment, tilt test, holter monitors and echocardiogram, EEG for epilepsy, and everything has came back normal.

Does this sound like anyone elses symptoms? iv said for years this is not anxiety but i think im ready to admit defeat :( i cant handle feeling this ill anymore.

Iv been told years before that i have anxiety and agorophobia, but i always thought my symptoms were caused by something else, id love some input from others on similar symptoms, maybe what treatments have helped etc? sorry this is so long just thought id need to explain myself.

Thanks for reading hope your all doing well :)

07-10-18, 23:41
All anxiety related, I get the brain jolt too.