View Full Version : Cancer Worries...

02-10-18, 10:24
Hey everybody!

So the other week I noticed that I was feeling a little under the weather, but didn't have any flu-like symptoms or anything. It was pretty much just feeling a little out of it and a little dizzy / fatigued / distracted etc. Then I found a massive lump under my jawbone on the right side, but it's pretty deep into my neck. You can't see it with the naked eye and I can't feel it unless I turn my head, but obviously this has sent me into a massive panic and every webpage indicates that painless lumps in the neck are cancerous.

I'm 24 and female and now I've convinced myself I have cancer and that I'm dying and don't have all that long to live. I've also noticed that when I tilt my head in the way that my left cheek touches my shoulder, there's a small searing pain that runs through to my ear. I also have the feeling of fullness in my throat.

No weightloss, no loss of appetite, no pain elsewhere. Just a weird feeling that I'm tired and dizzy and also this lump.

Please please please - has anybody else experienced this?? What could it be? I don't want to panic myself even more by googling the symptoms...

02-10-18, 16:25
It could be sinus infection. I had one recently and finally got in antibiotics. I felt like a new person. I had been soooo tired and out of it, ear pain, neck pain, swollen lymph nodes, etc. I just read that fatigue has been found to actually be the best indicator of sinus infection, even over pain.