View Full Version : Please help me: Meningitis fears after long sinus infection

02-10-18, 17:51
Hello everyone,

It’s been a while since I’ve been on here, but my anxiety has decided to show up again. I’ve had a sinus infection for over three weeks now and I made an appointment with a doctor. I’m pregnant, so I got in with my obgyn clinic because they’ll know what’s safe.

Anyway, this sinus infection seemed to be going away a few times and then came right back in full force.

Today, I’m having occasional soreness in my neck. I’ve also had sinus headaches for most of this illness.

Of course, my mind automatically tells me that I’ve got meningitis and that I’m going to die.

I’m allergic to so many antibiotics, so I don’t know what they could give me. I’m just terrified.

Please help.

02-10-18, 17:55
I've had bacterial meningitis.

You have the worst headache of your life, you can't move your neck, and there are a raft of other very unpleasant symptoms.

It's a dramatic illness, not one you um and ah on Internet forums about.

It is not a headache you've had for a few weeks and "occasional soreness".

02-10-18, 18:03
Thank you for your reply.

Part of my brain is saying that I’m being ridiculous about this, like every other “I’m going to die” moment, but that anxiety monster just won’t let up.

I’ve had sinus issues for most of my life and had a surgery to fix some things a year ago. I was hoping I would have less infections, but no such luck.

I woke in an elementary school and a girl coughed in my face a few weeks ago. I’ve been sick ever since. I’ve tried to ride it out, but I need some help. I hope there’s something I can take.

When you had meningitis, it was a quick onset right? That’s what I keep telling myself. It’s not a slow build up.

02-10-18, 18:23
It would be unhealthy for me to fuel you describing things in too much detail. But it is certainly not something you're mildly ill with for a few weeks, no. Two hours after realising I had it I was in intensive care.

End of the day though it is not our responsibility to diagnose you over the internet and you have to use your own judgement.

02-10-18, 18:42
I have an appointment this afternoon.

02-10-18, 18:45
I have an appointment this afternoon.

"Told Ya So Gang" on standby :winks:

Positive thoughts

02-10-18, 18:54
I have an appointment this afternoon.

I hope you didn't take my last paragraph as a reason to panic. What you describe doesn't remotely sound like what you're scared of. All I meant was it's a big responsibility for Internet randoms to tell you what to do here. But as you're posting this on an anxiety forum I think you know deep down you're ok.

Hope you get some advice for treating a stubborn sinus infection, they're not fun.

02-10-18, 21:22
Oh no. It didn’t cause me to panic. I had made the appointment yesterday. The anxiety was just building up until then.

I’ve been prescribed a z-pack. I hope that clears it up and I hope I’m not allergic to it like everything else lol.

They were able to find the baby’s heartbeat today, so that made me smile.

It must have been terrible to have meningitis. I can’t imagine. I’m glad you’ve recovered.

As I said, the logical side of me tells me I’m being ridiculous but, as everyone here knows, anxiety doesn’t listen to logic.