View Full Version : Trace of blood in urine panic stricken

02-10-18, 20:16
On 18 Sept I wasn’t feeling well and was a bit incontinent and went to Docs, prescribed 3 day course of antibiotics. Anyway I’ve got lower flank ache which goes to the lower abdomen making it feel like period pains. Went and gave another urine sample today and told was a trace of blood in my urine, he’s sent it off to be tested and I have to have blood samples tested. My first thought is it’s serious and I’m terrified, I always have to google for suggestions of what it is, can anyone help ?? X

02-10-18, 20:18
Some people get this all the time - I do.

I have 2 small kidney stones.

We have loads of posts from people that are told they have blood in their urine and nothing bad has ever happened.

02-10-18, 20:26
Thank you. If it is kidney stones how is it treated?

02-10-18, 21:25
I am not getting any treatment for mine. I guess they hope you pass them at some point.

03-10-18, 07:35
It’s the not knowing that makes me panic, right now I feel sick, my lower back is aching and I’ve got period type pain. I’m 48 and think I could be pre-menopausal and haven’t had a period since 10th August so I keep wondering whether I’m getting a period, I feel rubbish today :(