View Full Version : How to plan ahead for the future

03-10-18, 09:34
This week we booked our wedding! This is like the BEST thing ever! We’ve been together for ten years and this has been a long time coming! I’m beyond excited!
However, I find that big events such as holidays, Christmas, birthdays etc trigger my HA. So an event as big as getting engaged has really triggered me!
How can I plan for something that is 2 years in the future when my brain thinks I have an undiagnosed cancer and that I won’t be here in two years....or if I am still here, I’ll be sickly and frail.
Does anyone else feel this way? How do you plan for the future when your brain tells you you’re dying?
I currently have a breastblump, underarm lump and abnormal mole...all of which have been looked at by a GP and told is ok, but never been sent for any tests. I wish I knew how to get closure!
I just need some tips about how to move on....

03-10-18, 11:49
I know exactly how you feel. I'm currently applying for jobs for next summer, but my current health scare is making me feel like there's not even a point!!!

We just can't let these things ruin our lives. If you're healthy enough now to do the things you love, then do them, because it's inevitable that someday you won't be. Who knows how soon that will be most likely 50 years, but if you knew you only had 1 good day left, you wouldn't spend it googling :)

^ that's what I try to tell myself when I feel like I'm really going down the rabbit hole haha

03-10-18, 18:20
Good advice! I feel the same way, I never enjoy anything or look forward to anything because I think what’s the point I’m not going to be here. And each event that’s gone by I’ve been there but not been excited for it because I’m scared to be too happy in case something awful happens to me. It’s so annoying! I just want to enjoy life.

03-10-18, 18:51
You could get run over by a bus tomorrow. No-one knows the future.

There is no reason to think you are going to be dead.

Get planning!