View Full Version : Help needed for my partner...and me...

22-08-07, 00:45
Hello and thank you for reading my post. I am going to give a brief outline of my situation.
My partner was diagnosed with anxiety/depression last year after many years of angry outbursts and abusive behavior. The reason he went to the GP was because after 12 years I could no longer cope with the abuse and left him, he finally admitted that his behaviour and thinking was wrong. The GP gave him a series of questions which were scored and he was diagnosed. He was given anti depressants and within weeks he became a calm, rational, wonderful partner. The tablets worked for a few months and things between us were great, he was so happy, however just recently he admitted they had stopped working. This was obvious to me as the abuse and anger had returned and I was being blamed again for his behavior toward me...He has started a new tablet but as far as I can tell they are not as effective, as he is still very irritable and unreasonable.
I have suggested to him that he needs maybe to look for other ways of dealing with the anxiety other than medication but he says he is fine and it is me that needs help…You may be thinking ‘well maybe it is you’ believe me I have soul searched, done the counseling, tried everything in the book to accommodate him, nothing I do is ever good enough…
Has anyone else on this site had a similar experience or even behaved in this way, if so can you offer any advice as to how I can help him/us.
I am finding it harder and harder to live this life and stay healthy myself but I dont want to abandon him because I now know this is not him, its his illness...

22-08-07, 01:03
Know Im Not Like This But The Med He Was On You Said Worked Great So Why Didnt They Higher The Dose? Does He Have Bipolar? Is His Modds Back And Fourth.............wish Ya The Best Wish I Could Help Ya Out More........linda

22-08-07, 01:36
Thanks for taking the time to reply Linda.
Not sure why the meds stopped working but he was also drinking very heavily, which I think may have counteracted the drugs effect. However he denies that and says the meds just stopped working...Thankfully he is not drinking again as he is aware that alcohol is a depressant. From reading the site it seems though that not every med is successful you just have to keep trying until you find one that suits you. My problem is trying to get him to see he has a problem again....:shrug:

22-08-07, 01:47
ust be so hard on you .......i give you alot of credit in helping and also putting up with it...yes drinking is not good at all....but it did sound like that first med helped maybe with out drinking it will do the same i wish you all the best.think of you also...........linda