View Full Version : Sepsis fear

26-09-18, 13:33
Yesterday whilst walking my puppy her extension lead shot out and ripped across two of my fingers, it really hurt one is just a small blister but the other one literally had skin pull off, I have terrible health anxiety and stress over everything where now i知 petr It will get infected and there turn into sepsis. I kniw to a lot of people i知 being irrational but its how my mind works. I rushed home and washed it then put some antiseptic cream on it then put a dressing on it. But i知 so scared, i知 going away next week which always makes my anxiety worse anyway and now this. I知 really scared. Its just that there has been lots of articles recently about Sepsis and it scares me. My finger was really sore at first when it happened it was like a friction burn, its horrible as where the skin came off you can see the shiny underneath. Its so strange when I was you ger and got normal cuts & grazes it never bothered me but now my healthy anxiety worries about everything. Why can稚 I be normal 😢

26-09-18, 13:38
It is not that easy to get an infection if you keep it clean.

You really do not have anything to worry about.

Your anxiety is a bigger issue though so what are you doing to address that?

26-09-18, 14:39
If you cleaned it then you definitely will be fine :)

03-10-18, 14:21
Hi, wellmy Sepsis fear is sky high again, last week I posted about my finger which i cut due my dog running and the lead caused a rope type burn, this lead me to panicking over sepsis as I have read that you can get it through a cut. So I popped to see a nurse and she said it all looked fine, sprayed it and said just put a plaster on it. Well it looks ok and has more or less healed up. But Monday night I woke up with a tickly cough and sore throat, then yesterday felt rough, like cold/flu so my health anxiety has skyrocketed. I知 due to go on holiday Friday and hate being away from home as to me thats my safe place, my therapist says that I need to go on holidays or I will never get over my anxiety and will end up agrophobic. Now I am worried a bout sepsis due to my finger, there has been lots of news about Sepsis killing people. My hubby says its my anxiety causing everything again due to my holiday phobia, but I知 not sure. Part of me wants to say i知 not going on holiday but I know everyone will be so upset.

03-10-18, 14:24
My hubby says its my anxiety causing everything again due to my holiday phobia, but I知 not sure.

Your hubby is spot on :shades:

Positive thoughts

03-10-18, 15:23
Yup I agree - anxiety causing this and no way sepsis.

03-10-18, 16:27

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