View Full Version : I think I have cancer, but I'm too scared to go to the Doctor!

09-07-17, 18:48
So I'm 15, I've never smoked, no one in my family smokes either but I've been having weird symptoms over the last month or so and I really do not know what to do.
So, first of all, I felt chest pain on the left side of my chest that was random and stabbing (not triggered by breathing or anything). Then, I got a cough. It is mild, with only an itchy feeling in my throat. Then, 3 weeks ago, I noticed small streaks of blood in my sputum (very small streaks). That horrified me. Now I feel weird pains in my hip and my legs and arms (not caused by movement). I have no idea what's happening to me and I'm freaking out. However, I feel like I can't tell my mum and go to the doctor. I'm too scared to as I don't want to find out if I have something serious. Please help, I don't know what to do. Something that has eased my worry a bit is the fact that my friend also started coughing, with the same cough as me, so did my sister. Obviously, a cancer cough can't spread but I'm still very anxious and I constantly think about what's going on with my lungs. PLEASE HELP!

09-07-17, 18:58
Two choices, worry yourself to death or see a doctor?

09-07-17, 19:00
I just don't know how to tell my mum. I know I'm being really stupid.

09-07-17, 19:48
Does not sound like lung cancer. More like allergies of some sort. Itchy feeling in the throat? That sounds very much like allergies or negative reactions to certain food or drinks. Although there are non-smokers with lung cancer I never heard of 15 year olds with it.

---------- Post added at 20:48 ---------- Previous post was at 20:48 ----------

I just don't know how to tell my mum. I know I'm being really stupid.

Do tell her. Maybe you will get reassurrance.

09-07-17, 21:06
Thank you :) But how could allergies cause blood in the sputum?

09-07-17, 23:27
Coughs can last weeks before they go away. The blood in the sputum is more concerning, but not really for lung cancer. Can you just call the nurses line at the pediatrician and ask her if the blood in the sputum is something to get seen for? My daughter is only 3 and did not have blood in her sputum but did have blood in her stool. The nurse said it would only be concerning if it persisted but one or two times was no big deal, so I did not bring her in. If you call, the nurse could give you ideas for more realistic causes of the blood.

Nighttime pacer
09-07-17, 23:56
Hi Sarah
I'm not a doctor but a pharmacist I spoke to a while back said that coughing can cause some blood in the sputum due to stress on the throat.
Tell your mum, she'll be pleased you told her. It's soooo unlikely that it's lung cancer.
There are loads of odd coughs and allergies going around at the moment. A doctor will calm you down and give you something to help the cough.

If everyone who got a cough had lung cancer almost everyone would have it at some point as everyone occasionally gets a cough.

Take care.

10-07-17, 04:53
Have you been coughing/wretching to see if there is "still" blood in your sputum? As that will definitley make it worse. Just coughing alot can cause a tiny tear in your throat making blood appear my dr. told me.

Speak to your Mum, and speak to your Dr. Explain your symptoms but also tell her the worries you are having related to your health in general! From my personal experience doctors are much more appreciative and helpful when you explain to them honestly why you are there.

All the best.

10-07-17, 21:46
It's not really the cough that concerns me though since my friend caught it off of me, it's more the aches and pains and the blood. I also do not know how to tell my mum. I feel like I will scare her and upset her. I sound really stupid but I don't want to know if I have something serious.

---------- Post added at 21:46 ---------- Previous post was at 21:45 ----------

But thank you all for replying. It is a relief to hear lung cancer is very uncommon in young people.

Gary A
10-07-17, 22:23
A 15 year old non smoker has the same chance of getting lung cancer as I do of convincing Katy Perry to come to my local with me for a beer. No chance, in other words.

Blood in your sputum can be caused by small blood vessels in the nose or throat bursting due to excessive coughing, sneezing and nose blowing. It's a very common occurrence during minor coughs and colds.

Seriously, you don't have lung cancer, don't even consider the possibility.

10-07-17, 22:36
My mum has lung cancer (but is well) and none of your symptoms match.

I agree with the allergy theory. If you have a cough then it's very easy for tiny little blood vessels to burst with the coughing pressure (completely normal and harmless).

At this tine of year, you could possibly be experiencing hay fever symptoms. Talk to your mum and see your doctor. I'm quite sure you are just fine.


11-07-17, 03:32
At 15 years old and nonsmoker I'd say your chances of having lung cancer are pretty slim to none. Sounds like allergies, maybe respiratory infection at worst. See a doctor if it will put your mind to rest hun.

03-10-18, 15:59
I am a 16 year old female, I have never smoked. I think I have health anxiety.

I feel completely ridiculous typing this; any rational person would go to the doctor's as soon as any fishy symptom showed up... but not me.

I have often convinced myself that I have cancer (random chest pains convinced me I had lung cancer at 15), and most of the symptoms of this have gone away. But not this one; during my lung cancer panic, I read somewhere that with metastasis to the throat, throat pain occurs. Then, I started getting a raw, painful feeling throat several times a day, and always when I woke up. Chest pains subsided after someone online told me there was virtually no chance of lung cancer, but the throat never subsided.

It is now a year later, and I still get a sore throat several times a day. I have told no one, which I know is completely stupid, but my fear of going to the doctor's stops me from doing the rational thing. I am terrified of being told I have cancer, and having to live in hospital with chemo therapy, even though going early would minimise the chance of needing chemo.

I have other symptoms too, with small lumps in my mouth, frequent need to clear my throat (could be caused by anxiety), sores in my mouth...

I feel I'm dying, but still don't want to go to the doctor's. I am crying just thinking about it.

Help me.

03-10-18, 16:18
After a year, you probably wouldn’t still be here if it were cancer. Go to the doctor and get help, it’s the best thing in the long run.

03-10-18, 16:23

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


03-10-18, 16:42
I am a 16 year old female, I have never smoked. I think I have health anxiety.

I feel completely ridiculous typing this; any rational person would go to the doctor's as soon as any fishy symptom showed up... but not me.

I have often convinced myself that I have cancer (random chest pains convinced me I had lung cancer at 15), and most of the symptoms of this have gone away. But not this one; during my lung cancer panic, I read somewhere that with metastasis to the throat, throat pain occurs. Then, I started getting a raw, painful feeling throat several times a day, and always when I woke up. Chest pains subsided after someone online told me there was virtually no chance of lung cancer, but the throat never subsided.

It is now a year later, and I still get a sore throat several times a day. I have told no one, which I know is completely stupid, but my fear of going to the doctor's stops me from doing the rational thing. I am terrified of being told I have cancer, and having to live in hospital with chemo therapy, even though going early would minimise the chance of needing chemo.

I have other symptoms too, with small lumps in my mouth, frequent need to clear my throat (could be caused by anxiety), sores in my mouth...

I feel I'm dying, but still don't want to go to the doctor's. I am crying just thinking about it.

Help me.

03-10-18, 16:45
You have deleted your previous posts on this subject where you were given good advice and re assurance.

This is not fair to the people who have taken time away from their own problems to reply to you.

I suggest you un delete your previous thread and re read what has already been posted


03-10-18, 16:52
Sorry, I didn't think of it that way. Me deleting the post was in no way a statement of disregard for previous advice, but rather just a way to get more people to read the post. I deleted the post so that this one wouldn't get merged. Very sorry.

03-10-18, 16:54
so undelete your post so that people can say what has already been said to you

We will always merge posts that are on the same topic, that makes it fair to everyone

03-10-18, 17:00
I don't think people can undelete posts so we may have to do it.

03-10-18, 17:02
aww ok, will do

03-10-18, 17:04